
Friday 28 September 2018


I had two dreams this morning, in the first dream an American patriot woman was in the dream, also in the dream was two types of basil. Basil the king of herbs. There was sweet basil and Greek basil. Basil multiplies, basil heals, basil likes to grow in full sun the best. I have basil in the garden, in the kitchen, in the lounge and in my healing room. Basil is everywhere growing in my home.

This painting has been gifted to the American patriot woman.

In dream interpretation if there is herbs in the dream, it signifies peace and contentment with your lot in life that is determined by a dream of herbs. To smell the aroma of herbs new and exciting adventures are indicated, possibly with foreign travel involved.

In the second dream I think there were hazelnuts in it, ground hazelnuts. Hazelnuts link into the Christian mystic St Julian of Norwich as she was given a hazelnut divinely, and St Julian wrote about divine love. I have also written about divine love during my lifetime, that's what mystics do during their lifetimes due to their experience of it. Mystics are compelled by the power of love.

I do have some ground hazelnuts and I've been talking about making a cake with it, maybe today would be an ideal day to make it. Hazelnut cake and coconut ice cream would be lovely today.

In dream interpretation, to dream of hazelnuts that are also known as "filberts" can indicate trouble-shooting travel; in any case the trouble concerning which you will travel to will be someone else's.

In England, being a trouble-shooter, can mean that people require help in business and prosperity. So for instance in my 20s I was hired for my ability to provide solutions to the troubles that departments were experiencing. Once a trouble-shooter, always a trouble-shooter, and it can be applied to other areas of life including health.

I've felt for some time that I am moving on to the next phase of the divine plan for my life, once a healer, always a healer too. There are some things that we enjoy more than others, and there is some things that are life enhancing. I like cooking, I find it very therapeutic, I always have cooked for therapeutic reasons. After a long hard day's work, I would return home and relax drinking a G&T, and cooking, I found it so relaxing, and therapeutic just being in my own feminine space at home.

Last year I also began to grow my own herbs and food, again so relaxing and therapeutic, very healing too, just being in nature that I have always loved since a child. These two dreams do indicate a moving on, for truth does remain supreme with love in our hearts for everything that is natural and real.

This year I began a new nine year life cycle of time, new beginnings, a fresh start, the next phase of the divine plan for my life. The new passport received also indicates that foreign travel is on the cards and in my heart I know, the Greek basil indicates the direction that I am to go.

Herbs and nuts also have a meaning in nutrition, and in my life it relates to the minerals, and particularly manganese that was given divinely a few years ago.

2019, will be a two year in my life cycle and that is the numeric of couples - so a good year for relationships in my life. 2019 also compounds to three the numeric of wisdom and the Sophia gateway.

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