
Wednesday 12 September 2018

Sparks Fly In Jerusalem 5779

Tovia Singer explaining the Hebrew to a follower of Yeshua, it's important that Christians comprehend the original language that it was written in.  

"A translation is not superior to the original". Tovia Singer 

I don't agree with Singer on everything although he's fun to listen too and his talks with Christians are interesting.  The thing about the Daniel prophecies is that when will Christians mention the Prince of Greece or Michael that is mentioned in the prophecy criteria? That was a great timeline, 2010! 

I'm glad the subject of the Rebbe was brought forth, funny, Singer calls the Rebbe a "Red Herring".  

Actually, I think the Rebbe was lovely, he was lovely to me when he appeared before me in Safed during Rosh Hashanah in September 2007. Spiritual blessings are lovely to receive and these enlightened eyes could see the Rebbe, he loves me, he thinks I'm lovely for all that effort that I put in to help Israel.

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