
Wednesday 12 September 2018

Our GUYS in the EU

Our guys known as Count Dankula and Sargon of Akkad have made a visit to EU parliament they are UKIP members invited by UKIP.

In this video, Sargon interviews David Coburn UKIP MEP, on his five years experience of being an MEP in the EU parliament. David and Sargon give you their feedback. British MEP's pay tax, MEP's from other countries don't!

One of the reasons that Sargon and Dankula were invited to speak in the EU was about the impact of the new copyright legislation that the EU are proposing to stop people providing links to articles etc on the internet because people would have to pay for every link shared. They're basically trying to close down independent thought and action to close down dissent to the globalisation. "The tyranny of the EU".

During the interview David shares that the EU is planning to get rid of cash altogether!

I noticed at the weekend that Gerard Batten shared that the UKIP conference in September is nearly full. You can anticipate a lot more interviews coming, to get the message out to the people.

Keep on it guys!

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