
Wednesday 1 August 2018


So finally we will get the decision on Tommy's appeal on the 1st of August - first they said it would be Monday or Tuesday - then on Tuesday - The Independent say it will be Wednesday:

Everyone has been incredibly patient waiting for the judges ruling on the case: So our thoughts are with young Tommy and his family this evening:

1st of August is the "Day of Style" so the lead judge - the highest in the land is sure to deliver his response in style - let's pray with all our hearts that it means freedom for Tommy: His wife and children long for him to come home:

I was correct about the recent eclipse energies being romantic and about relationships someone that lives nearby began a new relationship right on the eclipse big smiles - young love:

Eclipse of Hearts 

27th July 2018

The words "walk in love" appear in the book of John so it's great that we have a song to go with that too! If you look at the word studies it can mean opportunities as they are presented to you - to walk in love - although the specific passage in John is to walk in agape:

So what opportunities have you been enjoying in these eclipse energies since the weekend - I cooked English breakfast for a neighbour and we ate outside in the garden as it was hot enough to do so after all of the rain:

Another neighbour also came to visit and to chat: My recent days have been typing and gardening and the garden does look lovely with all the food that I am growing: I just can't resist it - the capsicum and chilli's are growing brilliantly - so I just keep on putting more and more seeds in soil:

The two greenhouses are full too with different food that is growing:

I've been wondering about the possibility of making goji wine - the goji's are the fastest growing fruit that I've ever seen - they make me smile so much - they just keep on going wherever they can! Some of the goji cuttings are taking root:

I've given the heart plaque to the Greek Basil has that rooted the fastest with the Green Basil a close second - Basil is so good for you and your health:

I will paint some more when I get some more art materials and a job on the list is to get this computer off to the technician and get a new keyboard so that I can use all of it! So if I go quiet do not be concerned it will just mean that the computer has gone to the techie!

Always remember walk in love and when there is an opportunity to give then give for the next eclipse is about receiving that which is given on the "day of validation":

Calmness and peacefulness to everyone - may you be blessed!

Message received "Enjoy the Jive"

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