
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Papias of Hierapolis Discovery

Last nights message "You are my Lady tonight" and the verses from John about a Lady took us on a journey that landed us in Greece: In some translations the word "chosen" is translated as "elect":

There was more than one John and some scholars believe that the book of John as quoted in the previous blogpost was written by a man known as "John the Presbyter":

He is mentioned in some early Greek writings that then leads us to Papias of Hierapolis

The early Christians to include Papias paid more attention to the oral teachings that were being passed on than the written word; "For I did not think that information from the books would profit me as much as information from a living surviving voice" 

"Eusebius concludes from the writings of Papias that he was a chiliast - understanding the Millennium as a literal period in which Christ will reign on Earth" 

Amongst the writings we are shown an unknown saying of Jesus: "The Lord used to teach about those times and say: The days will come when vines will grow - each having ten thousand shoots and on each shoot ten thousand branches and on each branch ten thousand twigs - and on each twig ten thousand clusters and in each cluster ten thousand grapes - and each grape when crushed will yield twenty-five measures of wine: And when one of the saints takes hold of a cluster - another cluster will cry out - 'I am better - take me - bless the Lord through me'

Similarly a grain of wheat will produce ten thousand heads and every head will have ten thousand grains and every grain ten pounds of fine flour white and clean" And the other fruits produced by the soil will in turn become peaceful and harmonious toward one another and fully subject to humankind""These things are believable to those who believe" And when Judas the traitor did not believe and asked "How - then - will such growth be accomplished by the Lord" the Lord said "Those who live until those times will see"

"On seeing..." (ιδών or cum vidisset)


It is written that Papias met the daughters of Philip and received information from them - the early Christian writings website shares that Phillip and one of his daughters were buried at Hierapolis: It is written that Hierapolis means "Holy City" and that the daughters of Philip were prophetesses: 

It was a healing city with hot springs and it is written that at least 50000 Jewish people were living in that location in 62BC

You can read more on these links:

I refer to the Gospel of Philip as the "Gospel of Perfection" as that is what his gospel includes - the teachings of perfection that Jesus conveyed:

Eclipse of Hearts

27th July 2018 

As written in the book of John "Walk in love"

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