
Sunday 12 August 2018


A lovely song from Peter Gabriel - I dedicate this blogpost in remembrance of all our loved ones - friends and family that have passed over: As dad once said "Forget-me-not!"

As we know the scripture says that the LORD asked for mercy not sacrifice:

In Hebrew the word is HESED and it means more than being merciful - it includes charity! 

LAMB ANON the eclipse of receiving - being thankful for all that we have received during our lives - all the wonderful people that were brought into our lives: All the great people that watch over us and care about how we are doing: How we kept each other going - supporting each other - united in our hearts - so much love was shared - love beyond measure - always in our hearts! So "count your blessings as if you are counting gold" one of the collected sayings published in "Sacred Words" 

When there are so many planets retrograde you have to give a booster to the love!

The Message is Love 

Jesus likes this song - it's HOT!

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