
Saturday 11 August 2018

5th Eclipse of 2018

The 5th eclipse of the year! YOD to Solar Eclipse - August 11 - Finger of God x Neptune and Pluto:

"We will be experiencing a partial solar eclipse that forms the point of a Yod from Neptune and Pluto on August 11 2018 @ 4am EST It will be visible in Asia: This transit means a lot in terms of what we allow in and let go out in our lives: It has been a turbulent and particularly potent eclipse season - as this is the 5th eclipse this year that has such potency"

In that video he mentions the gifts of this eclipse: Also mentioned previously it is in Leo and Leo's like the drama e.g. the American Liberal corporations banning the American Conservatives because they're trying to stop the impact of Trump and his supporters on the mid-terms in America! 

However it is already too late we had won the information war back in 2010 when Clinton declared that "America was losing the information war": It was also proven that we had won when we won the referendum in the UK! We won and there was nothing that the globalists could do about it! 

Some people are not aware of how we put our money where our mouths are when we invested decades of our time in defending freedom of speech on-line and in email campaigns that were continuous! That's how we got the vote for BREXIT by staying on it continuously night and day - most people that voted had already made their minds up long before the referendum had been called in the UK!

This eclipse is on the "Day of Validation" - it's also about receiving - so what are you receiving today - lamb anon! 

I received my first crop of home grown zucchini today - what a gift - I am chuffed! Two more temporary green houses reduced to £ 2 and £3! More art materials - a pair of winter shoes and some new underwear! Two wings of skate and some dark chocolate cranberries my favourites and finally this - the komuz on this lamb anon solar eclipse!

On my way home I kept on hearing this song - happy solar eclipse!

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