
Monday 6 August 2018

Freedom of Speech New Zealand

You may remember that reporter Lauren Southern was refused entry to the UK for the "Day of Freedom" event in London in May: However Lauren was beamed in on the big screen to give her speech:

Lauren travels to many countries with different people with her reporting and Lauren and Stefan had arranged to speak in New Zealand to a packed audience:

The event was cancelled by the venue due to a bomb threat that had been received - the tweet is shared on Caolan's Twitter feed! A threat like that is a "criminal offence" so I hope that it has been reported to the police as there is also huge costs involved in preventing an event from proceeding as contractual agreements are involved:

This is the interview that they gave afterwards to a member of the New Zealand MSM - the TV Reporter - Patrick Gower was clearly not used to people that could respond to him so intelligently and eloquently as Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux- they make a great team from Canada!

As we say in England - "they made mince meat of Patrick Gower" - Lauren and Stefan have been consistent and persistent for many years now - they are both very experienced at responding to the media!

I have to say that it's not the best time to be arranging speaking events due to some of the planets being retrograde of course someone should have checked on that reality prior to booking it!

They were given one hour notice of the cancellation!

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