
Monday 6 August 2018


While I was going through the archives I found an earlier time in 2014 when Yahweh said "Bubba" endearingly!

Then twice again this year in 2018 when he said "Bubba - Capsicum" I was also shown a vision of a red capsicum while sunbathing: After that I found that the red sweet pepper is more nutritious than the other colours:

In the 2014 blogpost I shared an American article that mentions an article from 1982 and it was headlined "Is the Stock Market Really Efficient - Go Ask a Bubba" and quoted a professor explaining that "bubba psychology is the study of what Jewish grandmothers know without the benefit of graduate training":

This bubba gains from what Spirit share with me - I have always been in touch with Spirit and have been open to receiving and so was my mother and her mother - I'm a third generation clairvoyant and am also clairaudient!

As prophecy says he called my name from when I was in my mother's womb!

It was Spirit that taught yours truly about psychology - Spiritual Psychology and Carl Jung and Freud discussed the spiritual psychology of those that became known as Essenes:

They came to the conclusion that the healers already knew what they'd spent their lives studying and it means study of the soul! How the soul can fragment due to life experience and how the soul can heal and purify to attain wholeness again: How the soul can and does merge with the Spirit after the soul is purified - it is a beautiful initiation of the wedding of the soul - reuniting the soul with the Spirit is awesome!

At the end of day it is experience that counts for the mystical healers - although those that have the experience can help others to comprehend their mystical experiences and the spiritual elders have plenty of experience and comprehend the different aspects of the spiritual journey home to God:

Hence in my youth I always respected our spiritual elders and I listened patiently and intently to what they had to share about their life experiences:


There is a great passage in the Psalms "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree - they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon planted in the house of the LORD - they will flourish in the courts of our God: They will still bear fruit in old age and they will stay fresh and green": Psalm 92:12-14

"Even to your old age and grey hairs I am he - I am he who will sustain you - I have made you and I will carry you - I will sustain you and rescue you" Isaiah 46:4

I am happy to be his capsicum -  a sweet pepper and hot chilli with loads of seeds - whatever fruit he wishes for me to be is alright with me - although my olive skin does go very brown in the sunshine!

So what was I cooking last night - I was cooking a cucumber and apple chutney with cumin seeds and golden sultanas: We know scientifically that food impacts on the brain and that is another reason why I defend Tommy Robinson because Tommy has not only suffered "psychological torture" whilst in prison he has also suffered what is known as "health insecurity" due to him not being able to access his human right to food:

Tommy was denied more than £12 a week to feed himself and he shed over 40lbs in weight: It's not just about food either it's about having the appropriate nutrients to feed his brain: This bubba wrote to him and asked "What are they feeding you - tell them that they have to feed you properly" you see I knew - I just knew it - it's a heart connection!

The overseer of souls assigned to watch over him - the watchtower for the flock ! I knew he and the other speakers were in danger prior to the Day of Freedom of event in May - as the Son of God had spoken "Never leave me alone!"

Lucy has been on LBC and I always felt concerned about her being on Tommy's team - as it turned out she was responsible for endangering Tommy and all of the international speakers!

However - I don't support any of the freedom of speech supporters that "bully" Lucy - although I wouldn't invite her to be on my team - I don't like LBC either and I have my reasons based upon my own life experience with that radio station!

Try ringing LBC and mention the words "Cultural Genocide" they cut you off the radio - they can't handle the truth that pricks at their heart of conscience - LBC radio presenters are "bullies"!

I remember when his gracious Spirit said to yours truly "You think like an Apache" being one with nature has always been in my soul - although there were clearly times when I had to be reminded of it  - life has a funny way of bringing you home to who you were born to be:

The last time I met some native Americans was in the main square in Athens of all places - I really was surprised to see a group of them in Greece:


July 2018 

Do you think like an Apache - it's written that this is an Apache Prayer

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