
Tuesday 3 July 2018


I was defending Tommy on-line with the other cases that are being contested. How our families are having to fund raise to bring on private prosecutions in the case of Josh, Harry and George. Justice4ourBoys. I share this with you for context.

The message that I received after I had finished writing was "YOU HAVE A RICH HEART". 

When you have a rich heart, your heart is truly merciful for those that seek justice. A rich heart does not waiver from it's integrity, or forget it's moral compass. Nor do we forget that the LORD our God put the law into our hearts for safe keeping.

A rich heart is godly and trusts in the loyalty and faithfulness that is divine. Free Tommy, be merciful to him and his family, as his rich heart only tried to do it's best, in defence of his family, country and culture.

Many poor families have rich hearts, compassionate, merciful and holy.
When all they wish to do is live calmly and peacefully, with the lives
of their families and children living safely and ethically.

Is that too much to ask for, is it too much to ask man to be merciful, to his fellow man. Is it too much to ask for woman to be merciful to mothers and their children.

I remember shouting when a woman was being bullied on-line,
"She's pregnant". Why didn't anyone else think of it to defend her,
her state of being, and her child inside the womb.Why weren't other
people shouting the same!

Why did they not consider what they were doing to her heart beat,
when she could hardly stand upon her feet.

People with a rich heart have a heart of conscience,
a conscience that is far beyond the wealth of money.
Money cannot buy a rich heart, money cannot buy love,
for true love is not for sale and nor is it's integrity.

Mercy for those that have been merciful,
compassionate action for those that have been compassionate.
Love beyond measure to those that have a rich heart,
and have been charitable from the start.

Compassion is a child that saves it's sweets to give to it's a friend,
a rich heart. A child that gives it's toys to a child
that has none has a rich heart and will never be
apart from divine love.

There must be justice for 4 our boys,
Josh, Harry and George, and every
man, woman and child that has been
murdered or raped because of political policy,
that the people did not give their consent too,
or vote for.

Freedom of speech is a human right,
children have human rights too,
did they ask the children if they
could ban their skirts in school.

Of course not, England
is contravening human rights,
every day of our children lives.

If our people have to fight in the courts with
class action prosecutions of judges
barristers and politicians the rich hearts will
fight, freedom is worth defending,
and Zion defends on that you can depend.

A rich heart is a loving heart,
don't take our tender love for granted.
Don't take our heart of tolerance for granted,
don't take our merciful and compassionate
natures for granted.

We've had the patience of saints,
watching our country be ripped apart
at the seams. The godly said, no to fracking
no to monsanto and no to cultural genocide.

People are breaking free from what
politicians have done to our country
for decades. The bane of our families lives,
politicians brought war, destruction and
corporate carnage upon our land.
It is the poor that have suffered the most,
and have seen the cost.

Our green pastures, you cannot have,
they are ours, and belong to the
English people forevermore.

In our hands, on our land the Christians are safer,
than in most places.You can't say the same about where
Islam came from or where it went.

Our people will vent, and the leaders
will listen, for the godly are watching,
and they will not forgive or forget
the EU war against our poor.

We will not relent,
for we were sent,
to save our people and culture.

There will be no compromise
with man that comes from sand.
Better a poor man with a rich heart,
than a rich man with no heart at all.

Better a man that loves our environment,
than a man that has no love at all.

Better a heart that feels the hearts of others,
than a man that can see no further than his nose.
Governments have run out of excuses.

We were born free to live as intended,
with a rich heritage of rich hearts
from all walks of life.

Tommy has been a political prisoner on and off
for ten years. A decade of his and his families life taken,
mixed and stirred.

He might come from Luton, but he is not a
martini on ice and only freedom and justice will suffice.
Even other countries have offered Tommy asylum from
the British menagerie.

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