
Tuesday 3 July 2018


You have a rich heart. 

Hey babe, I'm still here.

If we look at the original Egyptian pictograph the Hey as depicted by Jeff Benner, looks like an Ankh, the key of life the original cross.

Then the next symbol for HEY, looks like the symbol for Neptune. Neptune associated with water, rivers and springs and water was incredibly important for the life of Egyptians especially the river Nile that they depend upon for life.

Historically the festival of Neptune was held on the 23rd of July.

It is written that Neptune is the Lord of Horses because he worked with Minerva to make the chariot. Now it was Jesus that said "Minerva" when I was on a coach near the airport driving by some swans on the mission to Greece for the Sophia gateway opening and harmonic epiphany. 

'You have kicked the rock' 

This inscription is in Chichester in England. 

"To Neptune and Minerva, for the welfare of the divine house" etc.

1997 - 2011, Neptune was in my sun sign of Aquarius the water bearer. Neptune takes 164.8 Earth years to orbit the sun, this links says that on the 11th July, 2011 it completed it's first orbit since it's discovery in 1846.

It's written that the next phase of the impact of Neptune began on the 5th of April, 2011 and it lasts until the 11th of March, 2025. It entered Pisces for the first time since 1848, my Venus is in Pisces and Pisces is ruled by Neptune.

Did you notice that different websites give different dates.

It was in April 2011 that Jesus said, "We are moving into awesomeness".

If I look at my hands now in 2018, I have fishes in my hands and babe is a term of endearment. We can swim and find the treasure within, and Jesus spoke of the treasure and the heart, as written in scripture.

In Israel they discovered an ancient mosaic with two fishes swimming head to tail. Male and female swimming in harmony together. 3,500 years ago the Tao symbol was not a symbol in black and white, the two fishes were a symbol of spiritual harmony of the masculine and feminine energies that swim together to co-create and give life.


Hence you can understand why the fish became the symbol of the Christians, I was still in my mother's womb during a solar eclipse weeks prior to my birth.

The eyes of people can change after birth, they also change prior to passing. I saw it for the first time when the eyes of my gran's brother in law changed. I think I was still at secondary school when uncle Bill passed over. I was meant to have that experience as decades later it saved a man's life.

The second time I saw it was in the 90's, in the eyes of an elder, he was a teacher of Tai Chi, he passed over soon after I met him on a training course. After he passed, I felt that I should've told him what I had seen, my heart was so humble, I thought, "Who am I to tell a Tai Chi teacher that he has to see a doctor".

Then I saw it again for the third time, in the eyes of a healers dad after we turned into the new millennium. I recognised immediately that his eyes had gone fishy. Although his daughter had not noticed it, I did immediately that I looked into the elderly man's eyes.

Due to having had the experience to identify it in my youth, and again in the 90's, I shared that she had to get him to the doctors as soon as possible. This time I would speak up and share just to be on the safe side of life. One of my motto's in life "it is better to be safe than sorry".

His life was saved and extended due to the quick identification, and the healer acting upon the urgent guidance given. Having seen that three times, we know that the heart impacts upon the eyes. In scripture Jesus also spoke about the importance of the eyes and the light in the eyes.

1 comment:

  1. The Sun of our Sun Lit By the Sun – The Sun at 14 Cancer.
