
Tuesday 10 July 2018


Each summer I make a dedication to my mother that birthed me as she loved her flowers and gardening. I took these photographs today. Last year when I began gardening and growing food, I bought a couple of white and this year pink was reduced in price. Only one of the white ones survived the winter. However, these photo's are of the pink.

She was an only child that lived through WW2, and she was evacuated from London to the countryside of Norfolk. She suffered so much the child without her mother, that Sophia decided to bring her back home to London, and that if they were going to die, then they would die together. As it turned out they lived to tell the story and England was saved. 

When working on the circuit, I always had flowers on my table. When running training courses and workshops I also included flowers due to the incredible fragrance that fills the room. I've decided to purchase one Lily every single year in loving memory of what we shared together, I was always buying mum flowers. Fresh cut and for her garden too. 

As pointed out the planetary transit of Chiron in Aries is a positive time for Gerard Batten, current leader of UKIP. A man of my generation, and we share a soul journey due to our north nodes. 

He is in a one year of a new nine year cycle in his life, and many people have been impressed by Gerard and his ability to get on with it. 

Chiron in Aries will be with us until 2027, devotion and dedication to the cause of saving our country and people. 

We also have three powerful eclipses coming, one after the other so July and August is going to be very powerful indeed. On the 14th of July there is also another march for Tommy Robinson in London and author Raheem Kassam (UKIP) is Tommy's official spokesperson at this point in time. 

The appeal court case is on the 24th of July in London. 

Love beyond measure everyone, onwards and upwards, has David used to say, put your right foot forward. I hope that there will be an awesome welcome for the Trumps when they arrive in England. 

As far as the Christening is concerned, Kate looked stunning, and the new baby looked gorgeous, mum would be collecting in photo albums like she did with Diana, she adored Diana, our Queen of Hearts. 

Mum always embraced life after death and she made a wonderful appearance before yours truly after she passed over, she was on one knee, dressed in beige shorts and a white tee-shirt, no make-up, and no make-up was unusual for her.  

She looked up at yours truly adoringly, as I was typing at the time, I leaned over towards her, we hugged and melted into unconditional love. It was a beautiful experience. 

Lili often did things to make her daughter stronger, she didn't wish for me to suffer bereavement when she passed over, like she did when her mother passed over. 

Her greatest wish for her daughter was to have her freedom, although that was very challenging for her throughout her life. As we had different world views, different signs, different people, we were made differently with different birth charts in different timelines. 

It was a challenging relationship between the emotional Piscean mother born in a war torn era of WW2, and the Aquarian thinking daughter born in the sign with the key word of freedom. Lilian used to say that her first born got the best attributes from both parents. Dad was an Aries Cusp that rammed the truth home. 

He was also an incurable romantic, and the life and soul of the every party, with a huge personality, he loved to make people laugh and loved to see his family happy. They sang and danced their way through life, their passion for music and dance. 

Lili was always immaculately dressed and her family home was perfect, being a freedom loving Aquarian I rebelled, as many youth do when they're finding themselves. 

The rebel Aries knew that there is a place for rebels to rest, a time and a place for us to have fond memories of love and life and joy shared in the garden of colourful and fragrant life; in the naturalness of nature. 

A photograph of them both at a family wedding in Victoria. 

As it is written, there is always a great woman behind every great man, and the Son of Joseph was great indeed. Their enduring and endearing love for each other was impressive, in their 50s they said that they were more in love than they were in their 20s. Their relationship was rock solid and there was no other man in her life that could replace him after he passed over. His shoes were too big for anyone to fill.

So what's for dinner, coronation chicken and asparagus with a green leaves salad from the garden. 

"my beloved is mine and I am his, he browses through the lilies" Song of Songs 2:16 

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