
Tuesday 10 July 2018

Gerard Batten - Chiron in Aries

Gerard Batten is an Aries and the planet is in Chiron in Aries transit until 2027.

In this video he really rams the truth home to the EU. He's done a brilliant job too of saving UKIP, he has my full support.

In this video Gerard tells the "E.U. was created by Nazi's".

As I shared decades ago, WW2 never ended it just went underground to rear it's head again with the E.U.

Gerard is my generation, and we remember, and never forget what happened to our country due to what Germany and the Germans did to our people and our country.

Chiron in Aries, dedication and devotion to the cause of defending our people and land. He's proven to be the best man for the job of leading UKIP into the next phase of it's growth with the new membership that he has attracted to it. His strengths, frank, spontaneous and dynamic.

Before he got involved in politics he worked for British Telecom.

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