
Friday 13 July 2018


Happy Solar Eclipse everyone, Melania and Donald in England, defenders of the faith. Melania looked stunning in her evening gown, and Donald looked so happy at his welcome at Blenheim Palace. Absolutely fitting as he admired Churchill.  There they were standing on the very steps of his home. An awesome partial Solar Eclipse, the 13th of July, the "Day of Opportunity". 


Good news about Tommy too, the court case has been brought forward to the 18th of July and that is the "Day of Conviction". Three judges will be residing in the London court and Tommy's wife has asked for Ezra to attend the hearing. Hopefully, other journalists from the alternative media will also attend the hearing too. 


In the last month there have been over 9,000 visits to this blog, that's the highest monthly figure to date on this particular blog. Readership from America has increased in the last month, so welcome to the Americans especially if it is your first visit. Although the French have still visited more than the Americans since this blog began. The French appear to like this blog the most. 

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