
Thursday 12 July 2018


The powerful Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 27th and the 27th of July is the "Day of Decision" in numerics. 27 is the numeric of the sceptre, it's a fortunate numeric of courage, harmony and karmic reward. It indicates a person blessed with authority. It's about originality and uniqueness. 2+7 = 9, = completion of a life cycle, and divine love.

It's in the 8th house, and 8 is a spiritual numeric and a numeric of spiritual transformation.

Pam Gregory shares her view of it: "This is the most powerful Lunar Eclipse this century, at 123 minutes duration. So what does this pivot point mean for you and your future direction". 

"The solar eclipse was a north node eclipse in Cancer. This lunar eclipse is a south node in Aquarius."

Pam is very professional and I like to get her take on what is happening planetary wise. Although I don't agree with every single thing that Pam says. I don't agree with Pam that the "baby boomers" were a "me" generation, as our generation did so much to help our local communities and worked so hard to help our countries and people to prosper. Young people taking selfies all of the time and putting their antics on youtube, are more the way that Pam describes. 

Although Pam gives you a great starting point for you to consider as the eclipse moves closer in. You might also like to look at the numerics of it's saros numeric has that can also have an impact on how the eclipse energies evolve. With eclipses it's not just about their planetary configurations. 


Being born an Aquarian water bearer sun sign,, it will be interesting to see what comes in via yours truly nearer the time. Eighth house includes the ability to transform ourselves and how we relate in relationships so it does have influence on communication with your loved ones. It can bring people together on a new level of relationship and it's when the "I", becomes "We", in a love union when two become one. 

It indicates what I call an "orgasmic time", that can happen on the level of a peak mystical experience too. Hence this is about spiritual relationship, partnerships, and connections that are in alignment with each other, people on the same wavelength on a heart level. 

A great eclipse for the spiritual community, for gatherings of groups of people, couples coming together to celebrate. Great for spiritual parties. 

Those that have really put the effort into the spiritual aspects of their lives, will certainly be pleased they did so, because now they reap the karmic rewards. That karmic reward could mean meeting the love of your life, or moving forward towards meeting the right person for you at this phase of your life.

Often relationships, friendships, or colleagues, can bring forth a joint mission, or something that you were born to do together. I embrace karmic contracts, and predestination agreements, I know from experience that it is healthy for you to complete agreements that you chose to be incarnated for. 

I tend to just feel the energies of the eclipses and frequencies and tune in to it, my heart says that it feels like an eclipse of "all's well that ends well",  due to the recent messages and dreams received. 

Like a flower I feel the energies in the environment and respond to it, an empath, clairsentience. 

For some the karmic reward of this eclipse can be financial or a business partnership too. It's the bringing together of energies that are compatible with each other. It's about relationships that are the most productive, most reliable, and can maximise potential together.  Aquarius likes teamwork, in home life and in work life, they can work and live in aloneness too, they like their space of peacefulness, although they like deep friendships that have meaning and purpose for existence. 

Aquarius isn't only the humanitarian, the freedom lover, the free Spirited, they can also be totally loyal in anything that they're committed too. Aquarius is one of the most loyal and faithful signs of the zodiac, once committed, they do their utmost to live up to their commitment because they don't make commitments or agreements lightly due to the heart of integrity.  

A lot of thought goes into making serious decisions about their lives and who they wish to share it with, and who they don't. Responsibility comes easy to Aquarians and that often surprises people and how much they can take on. Multi-taskers, and networkers, often doing more than most, working harder than most. 

Aquarius the deep thinker, when young they can over analyse situations, think too much, or they can be too spontaneous, so balance is essential for them as they dance through life. They have to have balance in their lives, to stay on their dancing gypsy light feet. They can be like gymnasts in communication skills, highly trained, to reach the heights of their potential. 

Author, Linda Goodman once wrote they are the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac, that you can only reach the Aquarian in tomorrow for that is where they live with their panoramic view of life and living it. So a person can be speaking to them about now, alas, they are thinking about what's next, and where that person is going or could be going with their potential. 

I think it is a great eclipse for mature spiritual people that have danced through life creatively, and there is bound to be some powerful creative connections for the next phase of this year that also ends in 8, symbol of infinity. The water bearer is known for bringing truth to people that they are involved with or working with, when they do, they pour it out like a pent up flood, it just pours out of them eloquently. 

One could call it a "Water of Life" eclipse with it being in Aquarius the water bearer and there has been news recently of the waters rising in Italy, and large sheets of ice breaking off. That will happen more and more as we reach 2022. I think that is another reason why Germany has been closing down it's nuclear reactors, Germany can't stop the water when it comes, the tide has turned upon the E.U. 


1 comment:

  1. Revelation 2:7 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of theos.
