
Tuesday 19 June 2018

Written in the Stars Aquarius

The Daily Express made me laugh today. 19th of June, 2018. 19th of June, "Day of Spark". 

"Aquarians are so unconventional, but they are also original. They can be inventive and brilliantly clever, although sometimes they are spectacular in such a strange way, so abstract and off at such a tremendous tangent, that no one knows what they're talking about! 

Your positive attitude increases productivity. People feel motivated to work hard when you're on the scene. That's because they feel recognised and appreciated. Instead of taking others for granted, you draw attention to their contributions. No wonder you're so popular. Trying a health regime will be more enjoyable than expected. You like the challenge of giving your body the nutrients and activities it requires to thrive". 

I don't read my stars very often, although I must admit that was accurate. Aquarians don't always do what others would like them to do, or in the way that they would like it done. Reason being, life experience and the wisdom that it brought is so important to the Aquarian journey. Wisdom more precious than rubies, that calamity Clinton she wore rubies didn't she. LOL!

I haven't heard from my Spanish friends lately, so let's have a song for Spain. Come on Spain get on with it, the Italians are saying they're dumping the Euro and the EU. Greece are fighting, although they have Austria's support too. Austria is closing mosques and deporting Muslim clerics.

What's for dinner, avocado salad, followed by meat balls cooked in honey and soya sauce with some saffron wild rice, topped with fresh dill and chives from the garden. 

I shall also make some almond and lemon oat cake.  

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