
Tuesday 19 June 2018


This started opening up on my computer screen automatically last night, this morning, and again just now. Three times within 24 hours, enough to make it worthy of a blog post, keep on being brought back to the journey. Elijah the healer, healer of children, a reminder to the people.

I've told Zion magazine, our people have defended Israel for decades. We ask Israel to give support to the mission of compassionate action and mercy, we demand that Tommy and Julian Assange are given their freedom to speak and Israel must support our speakers of truth. 

Tommy and Julian both have the human and divine right to be with their children, and to see their children growing up. They are dads too, remember that Donald John Trump and the support that we gave to you and your campaign. 

Those that tried to silence yours truly, those that banned yours truly, they will face the judgement that is upon them, in whatever country or location that they live in. 

For Jesus warned Israel, that those that stood against his healers, they shall not be forgiven and judgment is upon them in every location where they tried to silence our freedom of speech and actions to help humanity.

When I was in Ein Gedi, in Israel in 2006, I remember being surrounded with a crowd of disabled children that had come whilst I was in the swimming pool meditating and soaking up the sun. 

As soon as I opened my eyes there they all were, I sent beams of love to the children and gave them big smiles as they enjoyed their day while their wonderful Israeli carers looked on. 

While in the water, I was also sending healing to the children, as it is the most natural thing in the world for yours truly to do. The power of water when love beyond measure is in it holding the memory. The water bearer for this age of Aquarius. 


These radiant healing hands on the garden today, the garden likes it when healers are hands on.


  1. Mr Assange’s team of lawyers claimed doctors have confirmed his protracted confinement in the Ecuador’s London embassy is having a severe impact on the journalist’s physical and mental health.

    Calling for the intervention of the UN’s Human Rights Council, they argued the UK is forcing Mr Assange, 46, to make an “impossible” choice.

    Human rights barrister Jennifer Robinson of Doughty Street Chambers, representing the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, said: “The UK shows a deliberate disregard for his medical needs by forcing him to choose between his human right to asylum and his human right to medical treatment.

  2. Raheem Kassam, Tommy's official spokesperson, shared last night that the lawyers have put the appeal in, and he has been moved out of solitary into a cell of his own with a television.

    What else happened on the SUMMER SOLSTICE, 21st of June, "Day of Rapture", longest day of the year, the Elijah's Journey logo opened up again on my computer for the 4th time.
