
Sunday 17 June 2018

Winterbourne Stoke Down Crop Circle

This crop circle is given the date of the 17th of June, 2018. Winterbourne is near Stonehenge, Wiltshire. The crop circle looks like it has five coffins and today there has been news that the British government plan to charge bereaved people £100 extra costs.

It's another government "stealth tax" and people are not happy about it. The excuse being given is that every body should receive an extra examination for "cause of death", prior to cremation or burial.

Although the examination would only be 10-15 minutes and people are saying that would not be long enough to determine what the cause was. It comes to something when the government doesn't even trust the doctors that it employs and they say that they require oversight of decisions that are made.

Wouldn't it better to make sure that doctors come from pure intentions prior to being employed.

That makes a lot more sense to yours truly. Give the doctors to me, I will tell you whether they're coming from pure intention or not, I've got a great little exercise for pure intention. It works every time, I sit down with someone. You see you have to have integrity to check someone's pure intentions and whether they are coming from the heart. You have to explore their hearts and souls, the NHS don't work with souls do they, they only work with bodies.

When funerals can cost thousands, an extra £100 is another burden upon bereaved families, when many families cannot afford the funerals in the first place. I was fortunate that our mum made sure that she had enough money to pay for her funeral, grandparents did too. Mum even bought a family plot, where her parents, herself and husband could be together. Mum and Dad bought the plot for the whole family ahead of time.

In this crop circle, there is the numeric of five, and five is the numeric of the physical. From cradle to grave, the British government is taxing people and it has got to stop. The previous Labour government, introduced at least 100 "stealth taxes". Hence the Conservatives and Labour are both into "stealth taxes", and the Liberal Democrats supported increased fees for education.

The 17th of June, is the "Day of Force', yea they're forcing people to pay more money than ever before.

They're even saying that they are going to increase national insurance contributions to provide more money for the NHS, you know the NHS that they are privatising, requires more money for the private companies involved in it. Richard Branson and the other finance companies running care homes, charging over £30,000 a year like that don't they.

Of course, there are politicians that have an interest in privatisation of the NHS. Boris is also pleased that Theresa is talking about the NHS receiving another £600M a week after we've left the EU. Prices should come down, not go up after we've left that EU, politicians do like to spend our money for us, don't they!

I think we will see a burial of the EU, as Italy is now talking about replacing the Euro, and leaving the EU. The hot blooded Italians have woken up. Italy is also stopping the NGO boats at their ports.

Stonehenge is lovely, I remember going there with my parents and on school holidays.

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