
Monday 18 June 2018


I began to think about supplements when I began spreading the paint last night. It's a colourful reminder of how so many spiritual people campaigned to save free choice and free will. Freedom of choice. I dedicate this painting to all of the holistic doctors in America that passed over in very "suspicious" circumstances, there have been far too many of them. 

Holistic doctors that were standing up to the pharmaceutical companies and American corporations. This is just one of the cases that has been questioned. 

Due to my mother being a child that grew up during WW2, she took supplements throughout her adult life. She was a great believer in taking vitamins and cod liver oil. So it was natural for yours truly to select some supplements at the age when I felt my body required it on a physical level. Some extra help with the spiritual practices. Although I have chosen supplements to help specific systems in the body for specific reasons, some of which are preventative. 

However, during my research into different health conditions, I discovered that humanity require supplements even prior to experiencing a health condition. Due to how early in life that our bodies begin to age. I always said that I would grow old gracefully, hence, I don't have an issue with ageing, although for a lot of people, it can be difficult to navigate the health conditions that can manifest due to the ageing process. 

Of course, most people try to stay as fit as possible, I was in the gym doing floor exercises when I first experienced something go in my lower back, after that a 'trapped nerve", had to be released. That was in 2002. After that I had a great Alexander Technique therapist that helped, Chiropractor, Reiki and Aromatherapy massage, all contributed to keeping me mobile. I've also been pro-active in doing the inner healing work for decades for different reasons. 

Also due to the lack of nutrients in the soil, that scientists have known about for at least 100 years, the food that people eat, doesn't have the same amount of nutrients that it had 100 years ago. So nutrition boosters are essential. 

A positive aspect about container gardening is that you can replace the soil in your garden containers. In 2017, I began container gardening to grow some of my own food and herbs. I call it sitting down gardening, as I can sit on a seat while doing it and no digging is required.

It's interesting how different countries are more prone to some health conditions than other countries and how in some countries they don't have the same health conditions to the same degree as other countries. How people in hotter climates tend to be healthier, the sunshine certainly impacts upon health. 

That's one of the reasons why some English people moved to hotter climates in southern Europe prior to retirement. We weren't dependent upon the EU to be able to do that, Europeans have always been able to move around Europe legally. 

With supplements it is a good idea to get some expert advice and also do your own research too. As you are responsible for your choices in life and you can choose to help your body during the different ages of your body. 

There is a lot that medics don't tell you, and there is a lot that doctors aren't allowed to tell you. Bear in mind, that in 2002, doctors were only receiving two hours in nutrition during their medical training, and I've heard recently that now they receive four hours. 

However, that cannot compare with a person that has done years of research into appropriate nutrients, and complimentary medicine. It's often the case that some complimentary medicine therapists have done more training for far longer than a medical doctor that prescribes pharmaceuticals. 

Last year I asked a graduate whether they had taught her what I was sharing with her about nutrition on her degree course, she responded that the university had not provided her with that information and her chosen degree course was in nutrition. 


17th of June, 2018. 

Last night I received a message, prior to going to bed, 
"CHRONOS", and it is a Greek word for 'TIME".
Jesus always did like Greek words and concepts.

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