
Wednesday 20 June 2018


This is another case of another "Unlawful Arrest". When I went to court nearly a decade ago I was unaware of the legal term "Unlawful Arrest". I wish I had known about it at the time, as I could've put a better case of defence.

Although I knew in my heart that the police officer (that CPS said was off duty at the time, so who was he working for) responsible was in breach of international Human Rights law, the Universal Declaration on Freedom of Speech, article 19.

The solicitor assigned at the magistrates court to defend you is "useless" too. They're all getting paid by the same "atrocious" system while monarchy sits by silently about it. As Jesus the Jew said to yours truly, "Silence is Compliance" and we do not comply with what he referred to as "Gross Misconduct", that he also said would be removed from the public sphere.

If you suffer an "unlawful arrest" for speaking the truth, make sure that you have a couple of witnesses with you when you go to court.

As we know scripture warned us about the "arrests" it is written in scripture. Been there and got the tee-shirt, what did I say exactly, "I do wish you would speak English", for that I was arrested on "hate law" that is "unlawful" in Human Rights.

If you suffer such an "indignity" being "bullied" by police, as I was whilst bereaved, quote Human Rights Law, CPS doesn't like that in court while they are trying to 'ensnare" you.

When in court, the magistrates then "bully" you again, to try to stop you from pushing forward and taking it to the crown court due to the cost of it. Magistrates court don't like appeals in the crown court. Why's that, the jury.

My MP offered to take my case to I.P.C.C. although that has now been replaced. To take a case like mine, you also have to have a solicitor to defend you, do you think I could find a human rights lawyer in our county.

Oh no, we train human rights lawyers, yet we don't have any on call in our county.

I called out the solicitors that are listed as providing them, I also called out the Law Society for not keeping their listings up to date, and they said it was up to the solicitors to keep them up to date.

Around and around in circles, while the justice system is trying to defend it's own corner when they didn't even save legal aid. So what does it say about them when the legal aid system was originally created to defend the poorest of our nation. Just look at what is written in the stone work of the Old Bailey, in London.

The "intimidation" and "bullying" by the British police force upon our own people has been absolutely outrageous. Whilst a Muslim man that struck a police officer at Speakers Corner get's off with a suspended sentence. There is one law for some people in our country and a different law for our indigenous people.


After the police had finished "bullying" a CEO 4 days, three days after his release they found him hanging on a tree. That just shows you the amount of damage that they do to people and the sanctity of their being based upon an "allegation".

I didn't agree with David on everything, although he always tried to do what was best for his Island and people, he used to speak of putting the right foot forward and he was always nothing but loving kindness to yours truly. In 2002 when he found me, he knew in his heart and soul that we had known each other before in many lifetimes and we did some great healing work together remotely. Truly our   reconnection was meant to be divine.


The coroner said that man was innocent, an innocent man with everything to live for. A man that was so highly respected in his community and loved beyond measure.


Depending upon the nature of your case it might be worth speaking to Christian Concern in London and their legal team. As they are incredibly helpful. Anyway, it is worth sending a report to Christian Concern so that they know about all of the cases that are going on in the UK.

Even Elizabeth's chaplain resigned over the Qu'ran being read in church, at least that chaplain has some integrity.

Now I am going to buy some more cumin seeds as I hope to send some to Tommy with a letter and a painting. Always remember his "unlawful arrest", the police told him that he could legally film outside the court, they then arrested that innocent man, when in court, changed the charge, and 'ensnared" him. It really is time to bring private prosecutions against those that are purposely standing against our own people because the "detrimental" impact upon our people is huge!

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