
Wednesday 20 June 2018



Was it mildew on the mint and sage, let's see, the Toronto master gardeners recommend disposing of the herbs when it happens and start again.

They also advise not to compost the remains. That was my intuition too, although I thought it was worth trying to save them. The Toronto master gardeners also say that it can happen due to over watering.

I don't eat much sage and mint anyway, so I'm not really concerned about it, it's just a learning curve, and they're economical to replace.

One of the reasons that I had the sage was because it is supposed to keep pests away from the tomato plants. Although I also have a huge lavender bush for that purpose too.

I still have other herbs in the garden that are doing great, Dill, Chives, Thyme, Rosemary, Greek Basil, Green and Red Basil, Bay Leaf, and Parsley, so shall start again with the mint and sage.

I put some cumin seeds in soil last night, that's a great spice, so that will be interesting, and my sun flower seeds have sprouted really strong. The Pak Choi is coming along, and so are the sweet pepper seedlings. I've covered them with bottles to protect them and check on them everyday.

Beans are starting to arrive on the borlotti's, chili's on the chili, and the rambling tomato plants grown from seed are doing really great. With more sun we should start seeing some flowers and fruit on those soon.

The beetroot is doing great, chard is still following behind, spinach has finally perked up. Zucchini plants and cucumber is growing fast. Olive tree has to be repotted, and I am most impressed with the goji's and the speed at which they've grown.

Eating lettuces and herbs fresh from the garden is such a joy. I had a lovely salad from the garden yesterday.

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