
Sunday 17 June 2018

Tommy's Letter

Brian of London has read out a hand written letter that Tommy sent while he was in Hull prison. He says that he is writing a new book, "The Battle for Britain".

Tommy's own words straight from his heart. At the top right hand corner of the letter it says that he was on the Hospital wing whilst in Hull.

Love to Tommy and his family. 

In this video, Brian shares how the British MSM have been asking why Tommy is so popular in America. British journalists haven't been keeping up with the latest news have they!

Social media isn't just about Twitter or Facebook, it's much more than that, Tommy's work has been shared on line in different locations for a long time, he was also invited on American television to give interviews. Hence his outreach has been far and wide.

People have to keep up with the latest, yesterday an English forum moderator of an American forum still thought there was a ban on reporting on Tommy's case, that ban was lifted last month. 

When I checked the archives on this blog, I shared that the ban had been lifted on the 30th of May, 2018. The Guardian even reported on what the judge had said during the case and that was shared on this blog too! Some people didn't like it when I was sharing Tommy video's, and the truth, it just shows us where they stand. 

The sound of the crowd is international, and there is nothing that an English forum moderator can do about it. The moderator is too late to try to silence us now, as I was operating in many different realities and locations to share the truth for decades. 

As Jesus said, "silence is compliance", and we do not and will not comply with Islam and it's ideology. Is it biblical, it certainly is read Hab 2, as it mentions the timeline of the appointed time for the herald to share the prophecy, that was shared and distributed internationally by yours truly in 2009.

Sometimes social media can be behind the times, as things are moving so fast and as the most recent dream showed, "there is no time to waste", we have to stay on it! Tommy certainly won't be twiddling his thumbs while he is locked up, as he has written he is taking this opportunity to write his next book. 

Just because Tommy is behind shutters as a "political prisoner", doesn't mean that he has stopped working, he's stable, may God bless him in more ways than one and keep him safe, so that he can return to his family as quickly as is possible. As his letter shows, he knows that he has tremendous support now and people have been campaigning for him.

In the meantime, we have to continue to engage with the women's campaign and MARI, "Dare 2 Care 4 a Bear" and the rally in London on the 20th of August, 2018. The numeric of four is in that campaign, and the numeric of 4 seconds was in the most recent dream. Mothers Against Radical Islam Unity Rally do what you can to share the information. 

Our women that know the truth don't wear burkas, nor will we ever allow what has happened to Iranian women happen to us. Just look at what radical Islam did to the once colourful Yemen. 

It was in 2007, that I shared a lovely documentary about a Yemen teenager, she refused to be covered up, she said she liked to have the wind in her hair, she also liked to play football with the boys. The light of love shone in her eyes, and everyone that saw her, loved her and her integrity to stand up to the radicals, she was not afraid of Muslim men bless her. 

The President of Yemen at that time, was so impressed with her that he offered to pay for her education, that teenager touched so many hearts in the UK and abroad. 

The Yemen documentary really brought it home, what radical Islam was about, and how Yemen's once colourful country was now covered in black burkas. 

In the UK, it was found that the burka community were giving birth to children with rickets due to a lack of sunshine getting to their bodies. Rickets had been eradicated from the UK since Victorian times, yet, Islam brought it to our land again. 

One more reason why it has to be stopped, close the borders, that's why we voted for BREXIT and to leave the EU. The Italians are on it, they are stopping the NGO boats at their ports, and are talking about replacing the Euro, and leaving the EU. The hot blooded Italians have had enough, they won't have their great Italian fashion industry replaced by burkas. 

The Austrians have had enough, they're closing mosques and deporting imam's. 

There is another freedom march in London on the 23rd of June, in London, listen to the women speak.



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