
Saturday 16 June 2018

Shielded and Tent

It was on the 8th of August 2017, when the LORD spoke and said, "You will be shielded". My response to him was a passage from Psalm 3.3 "But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One that lifts my head high".

I noticed today that a tent has gone up nearby that reminds yours truly of  Psalm 91. It reminds me of when I arrived in my location and we also put one up for a party in the year 2000.  Although my cucumber is protected with a tent like cover too this weekend and so is some of the other food that I am growing. I've managed to get rid of the "mites" in the healing room on the seedlings by spraying cider vinegar in water and washing the leaves.

This is an interesting link on Shield, a word study that takes us to the Greek. "Klein writes that 'tris" as shield comes from the Greek thyreos, meaning shield, which in turn derives from the Greek thyra = "door".

The word "thyroid", also derives from "thyreos". On the link, they have featured a "window shutter" that they have in Greece on some of the original properties. I remember the days when it was fashionable to have kitchen cabinets with doors like that in England, and we had doors like that on the bathroom cabinet in the old house, they were called louvers.

A window shutter, solid, and stable, they were used on buildings historically to defend it's inhabitants, providing privacy, security and protection.  Also protection from the elements of the weather including too much sunshine in hot climates due to the damage it could cause to inside of the home and it's furnishings.

The thyroid is one of the gateways of the body that some refer to as chakras. It is the level of acceptance in the state of being. The more that a person lives their personal life with an acceptance of that which is, the more open and free flowing the energy centre is, the better it is for the flow of energy in the body. So let the love flow!

The better the flow of energy in the body, the healthier that you are. My thyroid is always alright, as I am very easy going in the placid nature that I was born with. Although I've been known to be a perfectionist in my work life; two different aspects of the character, and it's great if you can have a balance of the two.

It takes a lot for me to get cross, and one should never cross an Aquarian where children are concerned, on truth and justice, on work and on financial matters, as we do have boundaries.

The water bearers can be the most giving of people, and some of the most forgiving people on the planet.


However, "don't take our love for granted, don't take our tolerance for granted", as there comes a point when the heart can turn, and when that happens, there is no going back because the heart of integrity won't allow it.

There comes a point when the LORD turns your heart, and when he does so, that's when you know that enough is enough in any given situation. The thymus is connected to the heart and the throat energy centre. He's not allowing anyone through my front door unless they live in integrity.

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