
Saturday 2 June 2018


Message received, "Pretty Thoughts". 

Flowers are like thoughts, a pretty thought, a seed that blossoms and fills your auric fields. Have pretty thoughts today, let those thoughts fill your being. Keep hope in your heart for a new beginning, a fresh start for humanity, let it begin today.

Let loving thoughts fill you to the brim, and allow your cup to overflow with beauty, for beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some of my white carnations have opened today, three carnations, the numeric associated with wisdom and Greece, they look pretty, and the fragrance is wonderful.

I'm impressed at how quickly cucumbers grow, it's brilliant growing food. My two goji plants are like lovers, they keep on cuddling each other, and the crimson beans are doing much better now that I have brought them indoors.

The chili and sweet pepper plants are coming along with flowers on the chili. The beetroot is growing lovely, the rainbow chard is coming along slowly and so are the lettuces from seed. The tumbling tomato plants are ready for repotting into baskets, they look strong now. I brought the courgettes inside, and have spinach growing too. The celery is still growing from last year, there are green leaves on the olive tree, and the grape vine has perked up.

The blueberry bush looks the absolute best in it's second year, it has flowered and now let's see how long it takes for fruit to arrive. When you have a pretty garden, pretty thoughts abound. The garden does like hands on healing, plants also like the sound of music and it's vibrations.

The June, the month of Juno. So what is special about today, today is the "Day of Problem-Solver".

Last night I had some homemade soup and rosemary and black olive bread.

Having some pretty thoughts about what I shall have this holiday weekend. In the lovely heat of this summer I do fancy a salad, probably with fresh spinach, coriander, chives, dill and Greek basil. Served with some egg mayonnaise, and asparagus. I also have avocado's for this weekend, tomato and red onion salad.

This week strawberries have been on the menu, and marinated anchovies. I tend to eat little and often, as that is best for the intestines to digest. Eating for health and the systems in your body for powerful nutrition.

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