
Sunday 3 June 2018


When I was at school we did archery, how many learn that today. In those days we sung hymns in assembly and the hymn that I remember the most was "All things bright and beautiful". 

We also did a musical of Cinderella with the rock music of Joe Cocker. We had great teachers, in London, very creative. We did Italic hand writing, art, music, drama, singing and dancing. Gymnastics, hockey, swimming, netball, athletics. 

We did sewing and cooking, we had really large kitchens, the boys could also do metal work and woodwork. My favourite academic subject was history, although I also enjoyed English too due to the creativity of our English teacher that also taught us how to write Italics. That was incredibly powerful for our handwriting being readable, that has lasted a lifetime. 

I still remember our English teacher, and how he played his guitar and sung folk songs to us while we were on a school holiday. Real Cornish ice cream is wonderful. Although we have a local farm that makes ice cream from goat's milk. Superb quality and range of ice cream.

Compelled to spread the paint last night. 


2nd of June, 2018. 
Size A3. 

I had a dream about teeth this morning and in dream interpretation it signifies "unexpected help out of a difficult situation". The 3rd of June is the "Day of Expression". 

In biblical symbology, teeth are to do with the threshing and winnowing. The winnowing is an ancient Greek spiritual philosophy and the threshing is mentioned in Micah 4. Daughter Zion, also referred to as Daughter Jerusalem in the text. Micah 4 overlapped with Rev 12. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008, when the first blog was compelled. 

The last time that I was in Greece, two men were given the divine message of "JUNO", and at the time I felt that it indicated a timeline of the month of June. I was giving hands on healing to the guys, at the time of receiving the message to give to them, the importance of passing on the messages that we receive, as people usually remember what is most important to them and their lives. 

After looking at the garden today, there are now four carnations, and the fifth is bursting open, really beautiful. 

As far as the latest on Tommy, keep on sending the power of love to it. 

Two countries have now offered Tommy "Political Asylum", as he is being viewed as a "Political Prisoner". I found a video our our lovely Sikh man from SAS, and he had done a full report on the case last year, yet he wasn't arrested. 

It's astounding that some people are happy for Tommy to be arrested, and happy that the Sikh wasn't, it appears that to some people in our country, it's one law for some people, and a different law for others, I told that person, that we just won't put up it. We won't put up with the "discrimination" against our own people and culture. 

What else has happened, there has been a delegation that held a press conference in the EU in defence of Tommy and our people. However, at the big march in Manchester yesterday, another woman was "brutally arrested" for standing in the street just observing what was going on she says. 

The woman has filmed the arrest, our people are on it, because when people see how and why this is happening, people around the world are shocked that it is happening in the UK. 

However, the message yesterday was "Pretty Thoughts", so do your best to have pretty thoughts at this time, although I appreciate how difficult it can be sometimes.

My friend Robin red breast keeps coming to visit me today flying off into the direction of the garden centre, I said, "hello darling, why did you come to see me today." 

Just as I was about to sit in the sun in my sun lounger, to get some sun to my olive skin and bones.  So I am not allowed to sit in the lounger just yet, I've got to go to the garden centre. There must be something there for me, maybe some bargains, as I do like a bargain. I shall finish my coffee and then go to see what they have to offer today. 

Talking about the garden, I've been covering the small chard in bottles, to stop the pests. The beetroot is far more stronger than the rainbow chard at this point and I've left the cucumbers, and crimson beans inside with the courgettes, chili, sweet pepper and spinach. 

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