
Sunday 10 June 2018


A lovely lady has taken on the name "Nanny Robinson" for her poetry, and this is not the first poem that has impressed many. I think the first poem I heard her speak was the poem about what has been happening in Telford.


9th June of 2018 

In this particular poem Nanny Robinson responds to the far left and what they say about those that are defending our country, and Tommy Robinson. In this video when she reads her poem she is standing with eddieisok, and Phil is talking to them both while filming. The British Lion hearts have woken up.

This wonderful woman has written some incredible poetry, I hope that she puts all of her poems into a book, as it is a record of history, and what our great people are standing for and defending. Also how our people responded to it. If our Nanny Robinson likes any of my paintings she is welcome to have one. 


9th June, 2018. 

I would definitely buy a copy, let's get it on the shelves for Christmas, and our patriots can give a copy to their families and friends. Come on Nanny Robinson get on with it. She's a lion heart ain't she, the courage and bravery of a lion. 


10th June, 2018. 

The last interview that Tommy gave before being arrested. 

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