
Monday 11 June 2018


"Better a little with righteousness, than much gain with injustice". 
Proverbs 16:8 

I've so had it with British people blatantly breaking international human rights law and the Universal Declaration of Freedom of Speech article 19. Even the British police force and it's so-called justice system are in contravention of it. 

It was great to have Geert Wilders support in London at the weekend, the Dutch and English united for a common cause of freedom.

"The Human Rights Act is also a UK law passed in 1998, it lets you defend your rights in the UK courts and compels public organisations - including the Government, police and local councils - to treat everyone equally, with fairness, dignity and respect."  Quote from the legal human rights charity, Liberty Human Rights. 

Article 19, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948. 

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers". 

Love to Tommy and Tommy's Family 

May 2018






"the dog licked it". 

That temple dog has the face of a teddy bear doesn't it. 


10th of June, 2018. 

"Ma'estro" interesting word isn't it from Jesus for that sage painting, it's an Italian word and Italy is one of the countries that I did teach in. During the Rev 12 timeline some of my articles were also translated into Italian and posted by Italians on their spiritual websites. So it is with great pleasure that we see Italians arising too in defence of their homeland and beautiful historic culture.

Yesterday, the Robin redbreast was going from garden container to garden container, looking at me with each perch. Then the redbreast kept on going onto the head of the figure of St Francis, that was gifted to yours truly by a student after our visit to Assisi. Last week I put it in the garden amongst the flower and food tubs, and I am glad that the redbreast appreciated it. As I appreciate all of the birds that come to visit.

So what else is so important about today, the 11th of June, is the "Day of Boundaries". 

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