
Friday 4 May 2018


I looked at the local election results and not surprised by it, such a low turn out at 33% and that is a big message to all of the parties, people are not voting in the numbers that they should be. That is a disaster for democracy, as once again, there is no majority in the current political framework.

I have looked at all the national articles and they don't even give the overall population vote %. 33% just shows the politicians how unhappy people are with the politicians, it just shows us that a majority of people feel that no matter who they vote for, that it won't make any difference to improving their lives.

I've looked on-line at comments in response to the national media, and most people that did vote are saying that they only voted Conservative because of BREXIT. The Conservatives are viewed as the BREXIT party, never mind what happens in your local area.

So politics is a current disaster for everyone, just like Theresa Mayhem. I think she should resign and hand it over to Jacob Rees-Mogg, JRM is the only Tory that would get us a proper exit from the EU.

There are 30 year olds and young people in this country that have never ever voted, they and their families have suffered so much that they can't see the point of voting at all. Democracy hangs on a thin thread at this time due to the politicians not improving the lives of our people for decades.


Anyway, while I was in the bathroom, I asked what's the plan, what's next, and loads of turquoise energy kept on appearing before me, going upwards to my lazuli blue doorway, showing yours truly that I have to get on with the renovations. As we know, on the 6th of May, UKIP's leader, Gerard Batten MEP will be speaking in Whitehall with other speakers that are speaking at the event. 6th of May, "Day for Freedom".

In Greece the Islanders are also protesting today, against the economic migrants that have been dumped there by the Turkish while they wait to be processed. The Greeks should put them all on a boat and send them straight back to Turkey. Take real action Greece, and don't let Turkey take your tolerance for granted, don't let Turkey take your love for granted, don't take your freedoms for granted.

More and more turquoise energy kept on appearing before me, like water shooting upwards, and the energy began to go onto the shower, yep, I  have a new shower coming to be fitted. The fact that I am being directed to the shower, means that the shower is now a priority, due to it being a hot summer.

After that there was even more energy and this time the turquoise water energy had pink around it, showering in water and loving it. Showering in water is great for the auric fields.


Beautiful, water of love and life, and turquoise, azure, energy is the colour of spiritual transformation.

The water energy just kept on shooting upwards in long shapes although very directional.

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