
Saturday 5 May 2018


A painting for this month, the water of life.


ὕδωρ ζωῆς hydōr zōēs

4th of May, 2018. 
The 4th of May was the "Day of Support". 

This morning when I woke up he spoke, "NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE". 

What a message to receive as it is written in scripture that when he bore the cross, people were told to leave him alone, and they were asking if Elijah would come and save him. People were looking to see who would come as Israel were waiting for Elijah's arrival. Matthew 27:49

It was a woman that gave Jesus the water at the well, it was a woman that gave Jesus the healing oils. It was a woman that taught Jesus about the dogs. When a woman is able to save a man, it truly is a miracle, as man was not made to be alone and when a man is worthy of help, a woman is sent to help him. So when he says, "Never leave me alone", clearly, there is a very important reason for it.

"The Spirit and the bride say 'Come' and let the one who hears say, 'Come', and let the one that wishes take the free gift of the water of life". Rev 22:17 

I hear him speak, I hear his words, I am clairaudient. So why this message important today, on this the "Day of Awakening", and he certainly woke me up with a message today. 

So what else is happening today, an RT interview has been uploaded. Greek-British journalist and author, Milo Yiannopoulos has given an interview to RT ahead of the "Day for Freedom" gathering at Whitehall tomorrow. 


So Come Greeks, to London tomorrow, to celebrate and support our Greek-British son, Milo Yiannopoulos and his defence of freedom of speech, our sovereignty, and our unique nations and cultures. The Spirit and the bride say "COME".

The "Day for Freedom", event with many speakers including Tommy Robinson, UKIP leader, Gerard Batten MEP, Liberalist UK Sargon, and plenty of female speakers too and it includes Ann Marie Waters. Ex-Muslims, and those with Muslim families will also be sharing their stories. Many different points of views will be shared, by many different people.

Coaches are being parked along the embankment, the River Thames, and the coaches will have police protection. People are gathering in Trafalgar Square and the veterans are meeting up at Speakers Corner, from there they will be walking to Whitehall together.

This is a massive rally to defend freedom. When the veterans stand up Whitehall has to listen, when Jesus speaks we the people listen and hear his call to take action. Stay safe everyone.

What's to eat today, I've finished off the homemade burgers, I put red onion, garlic, basil and sesame seeds in my burgers. I also made some meat balls last night with the same ingredients, although included dill in both. The meat balls have also been marinated in soya sauce after they were cooked, cooked meat balls are great marinated in soya sauce and honey. You can eat them as they are, or you can put them in a tomato sauce. Meat balls go great with tomatoes for the guys, as tomatoes are great for the prostate. 

I have an avocado to eat up and that would be great with a prawn cocktail in it with a herb salad. I have another chicken that was roasted in mustard for the weekend. I will definitely make some coronation chicken with some of that. So I have plenty of food for the weekend, and it is lovely sunny weather in England to enjoy with a glass of wine. 

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