
Sunday 13 May 2018

VEGGIE CHALLENGE 14th-20th May, 2018

Last week I was about to buy salad and was divinely instructed, "VEGETABLES".  

So this appeal made me smile on this day of appeal.  Jamie Oliver and his "Sexy Veg", chef Jamie Oliver has launched his five day "Veggie Challenge".

What vegetables have I eaten this week, I've had swede, potatoes, kale, carrot, red onion, garlic, sweet pepper, tomatoes, aubergine, asparagus and celery. Kale and celery grown in my garden.

In the fridge I have some white cabbage, leeks, courgettes, mushrooms, and more carrots, I also have some kimchi.

Yesterday, I made a minestrone soup and there is plenty for today.



Are you growing any veg, in 2018, I'm growing, borlotti beans, beetroot, chard, celery, tomatoes, and chili's so far. I'm going to include sweet pepper, and my olive tree is budding. Loads of herbs too. 

Growing some of your own food is such fun. Malachi 3:10 

It's national vegetarian week. 14th-20th May, 2018. 

In August we have National Allotment Day. 13th-19th of August, 2018. 

So what shall I include on the menu this week. Definitely some spicy green lentil burgers, I like spicy lentil burgers with red kidney beans. I also like spicy Dal with red lentils. So some lentils will definitely be on the menu, as I haven't had any lentils for ages. Garlic mushrooms, you can also make a green lentil and mushroom pate. Although I found that green lentils don't keep, so they have to be eaten within 24 hours of cooking.

My courgettes, I really like courgettes, dipped in egg and flour than deep fried. You can then dip them in a garlic mayonnaise, they make a great starter for any meal.

I shall make some humous this week, I've plenty of sesame seeds, chickpeas and butterbeans. I've been eating sesame seeds due to their nutrients, although I've found that they don't digest, they just travel straight through you.

So the sesame seeds have to be crushed so that they can be digested. I bought some caraway seeds that I like with white cabbage, and mustard seeds that I have been putting on chicken. I also bought some Fenugreek seeds too. I have a range of seeds and nuts for the nutrients.

Jamie Oliver likes his pasta, although I have to restrict the amount of pasta I eat, as pasta tends to make me sleepy, and then I have to go bed for a siesta. So I don't eat pasta more than once a fortnight or at the very most once a week, just a small quantity of it.

I found that a high protein, low carb diet is most healthy for yours truly and my metabolism. I tend to eat a southern European diet mainly. Hence a homemade pizza will definitely be on the menu this week.

No cake for the next week and definitely a restriction on sugar intake. I do have a choice of marinated herring, smoked mackerel, smoked salmon, tuna, and mussels for today. Concentrating on the nutrients.

Have a great veggie week, even if it isn't fully vegetarian. Eat as many veggies as you can and especially veggies that have what your body requires. As depending on your health conditions, it will determine what is essential for your body. No one diet suits all due to that.

Remember the Emerald Green energy.

What have our Irish guys been up to. Rainbow food. I really like the "Happy Pear" guys, they make great recipes and videos, although these guys are strict vegans.

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