
Sunday 13 May 2018

Greeks Taking Their Power Back


This is a Journeyman documentary from 2012, and it features Greek people that are taking their power back, some by returning to their family farms. Some by investing in a new farming idea, even a banker had to return home to his dad's farm to learn farming from the elder. For some of these people it is the only way that they can survive the Greek financial crisis, although, they are happier people for it. One of the women in the documentary mentions how her daughter is earning just 400 Euros a month.

Some Greeks are fortunate that they have family farms and countryside to return too. They also have the beautiful weather for growing food. Hold onto your family farms, hold onto as much Greek land as you possibly can. 


Day for Freedom


The power of water and the impact that it has upon you.

I wonder if any of the Greeks are building fish farms on land. 

As we know austerity doesn't work, austerity stifles the economy. My socialist day taught me that, you have to keep money circulating, to keep the economy moving, that's why he never hoarded any, he spent what he earnt. He used to say that it makes the world go round. 

He never had a mortgage, he didn't invest on stock markets, no credit cards, and when my parents did have credit cards for emergencies, it was always paid off at the end of the month. They saved up for anything that they would like, including holidays. In fact, the last holiday my parents took with my son was to Corfu in Greece in the 80's. However, dad lived in a timeline in London when there was an abundance of jobs. 

However, he and the trade unions knew in the 70's, that there would not be jobs for everyone, that's why so much leisure was introduced in the 80's, and companies tried out flexi-time, and job sharing. Although it didn't take into account the sheer numbers of mass immigration that would invade us. 

Many people in Europe are suffering the consequences of rich peoples decisions. 

Maggie Thatcher was clear about the EU plan, that the plan was "to make the poor, poorer,"  that's why she was against the EU and the EURO. 

Europeans feel "betrayed", by the career politicians and what they've done to our countries. At the end of that documentary about Greece, a businessman is in tears, as he would like to have a child with his wife, and says that he can't afford it. It's the "injustice" of it, as this is not the first time the rich have done this to working people economically.

Will Uranus in Taurus help the people, I think it will as we've got Chiron in Aries too. The people all over Europe are arising and Taurus is a very protective sun sign. Aries men can be very protective too, especially those with discipline. 

Barbara lives in Greece, this is her view on Uranus in Taurus. 

May 2018 - 2025

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