
Saturday 26 May 2018


So we now know that the judges name at Leeds Crown Court who decided to silence the MSM and articles about the arrest of Tommy Robinson have been removed from media outlet websites. Even Breitbart in America removed their article, RT removed theirs so it is an international ban and gagging order.

However, they haven't been able to stop the independent commentators, and investigative journalists.

They can't silence the people, although they have tried, we have International Human Rights, Freedom of Speech. Universal Declaration article 19.

There is a march being planned in London today at 3pm in Whitehall to hashtag FREE TOMMY and there are also petitions. This petition in the early hours of the morning was at 3,000, this evening it is 88,000 and growing speedily.

So if you feel passionate about freedom of speech as I do, if you know in your heart, that Tommy should not be imprisoned for doing journalistic work that other journalists should be doing, please sign the petition. It you stand with Tommy and our people, our patriots in the UK, then please sign the petition. If you care for Tommy and his wife and children, please sign the petition. If you care for your families, please sign the petition.

People can also make an on-line donation on Tommy's website to pay for any legal fees that maybe required.

26th of May, is the "Day of Protection", and we have to protect Tommy in anyway and every day that we can. Just stay calm everyone, remember legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

A new forum has also started in the UK, "Pro-Active Patriots" to help people to get organised around the country and they are looking for volunteer writers.

As Jesus said on the 5th of May, 2018. "NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE". 

There is also another march on Monday, for Josh, Harry and George, at 3pm in Whitehall. 

It's been nearly 20 years defending freedom of speech in my life, we keep on it, so keep on it everyone.

UPDATE Monday, 00.30 

It is written that Lord Pearson has written to the Muslim Home Secretary, warning him that he would face a private prosecution, from him and others if anything at all happens to Tommy.

This quote from Julian Assange sums it up.


  1. The petition is now close to half a million signatures.

  2. Petition is now at 592K, why aren't the MSM writing about the huge support.

  3. An American internet media company Buzzfeed has tried to get the petition removed from the Change website. See the link for for more information.

    Buzzfeed Profile
    The Article

  4. There is some speculation of the whereabouts of Tommy. Milo wrote and article that says that Tommy is in Onley, it's a category C.

  5. The petition is now at 628K and people are still signing it.

  6. Good news Tommy's appeal will be held in London in the high court on the 10th of July.
