
Friday 25 May 2018

Tommy Robinson -v- "MI5"

As we know Amy "Bacon Lady" from Speakers Corner was arrested this week and in her own words she shared that after a Muslim man had tried to "intimidate" her, she said, "Have a gay day", for that she was arrested she says.

Amy is a Trump supporter and a British Patriot. After I watched the release of Amy from the police station, I was given "MI5" and I posted the message on the Amy blogpost.

Now the second British Patriot, and Trump supporter has been arrested again, "MI5", are not happy are they about freedom of speech, and the fact that they are in contravention of human rights, universal declaration of freedom of speech, article 19.

Remember last Sunday, I kept on seeing Diana on her wedding day, and then I kept on seeing the symbol that resembles the middle script TAV, and it became the letter T. 


Tommy has been arrested outside a court, and he asks George to get him his solicitor. The 25th of May is the "Day of Boldness" and Tommy has certainly been bold in his investigative journalism.

Being bold is also a Christian thing to do and is written in scripture. Hence the police and "MI5", are standing against scripture and what real Christians are compelled to do, for Zion defends our British people. As it is written in the biblical prophecies. "I will contend with those that contend with you, and your children I will save". Isaiah 49:25 

"Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness" Acts 4:29. Radical Islam has been a major threat to this country, and our children, for at least 40 years, yet why aren't "MI5" arresting and deporting those people, you may well ask the same questions that Tommy and the majority of the people in this country are asking.

We are the majority, as proven on the 6th of May, 2018 in Whitehall. Some are saying that at least 50-60,000 people attended the "Day for Freedom" event in London and our people that support freedom of speech also support BREXIT, we are leave voters, that voted to leave the EU.

It's actually beyond politics to leave the EU because people from many different realities came together to vote for leave. Especially those that know what has been happening to our country for the last 40 years.

His arrest came right after his latest video upload that is about the three male youth that were murdered in London and the police were found out by the parents to be "Lying" to the parents.

Three children died and two more were injured, and it is a major cover-up that Tommy has been bringing into the light of day to help the bereaved parents. As the MSM are not covering the story and the facts being shared by the parents. Incredible that even the parents statements to be read out in court, were changed by their own barrister.

However, it looks like this is another case that TR has been covering. You don't see the police arresting other journalists do you, although we do know that investigative journalists have been stopped from entering the UK.

This video has now been uploaded, the case is in Leeds, and it is about "child traffickers and grooming gangs".  As you can see it is another case involving Muslims and ten men are being brought to court in Leeds for their deeds.

The Independent report that there are three court cases that have been on-going. "The current case that has drawn protestors at previous hearings, is one of three trials of 27 men and two women".

A message for Tommy.

"On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you". Matthew 10-18-20 

"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court". Psalm 127:4-5. 

When they took my Judeo-Christian dad to court, my dad threw the law book at them, as he knew the law inside out. We defend our people and our culture legally, scientifically, and peacefully. Tommy has huge support in the UK, and internationally, our people of truth will stand with him. The latest news is that there is to be a "Free Tommy" march tomorrow at 3pm in Whitehall.

And what of the Muslims and Islam, read the Hab 2 prophecy as this herald ran with the prophecy at the appointed time in 2009.


News is that Tommy Robinson is being held on "contempt of court", and a "suspended sentence" of 13 months in prison. For simply walking and talking outside the Crown Court in Leeds, the police said it was a live stream. This tweet was found on ProActive Patriots Twitter account. Caolan Robertson's twitter account now says that his communications have been restricted. Probably after this tweet. 

Apparently, the judge and a barrister were watching Tommy and his filming himself walking and talking, I have also watched it for 1 hour and 15 minutes. I've watched the whole recording, and Tommy was conscious of the fact that he was being watched towards the end of it, as he began to get concerned. 

When the police arrested him they said it was on"suspicion of breach of the peace". Tommy is in grave danger we have to get him out of prison on appeal urgently. Our people in the UK see this action by the court as being against all of our people and our freedom. I have also seen on line that the lovely Sikh from Sikh Awareness was also removed from the court within it. 

The fact is that investigative journalists are allowed to be outside a court and inside a court, and when the state takes on Tommy, the state take on all of our people that stand for freedom in the UK. 

This evening Tommy was planning to interview the families involved in the cases related to the court case held today. Investigative journalism is Tommy's job, that's what he does for a living, and he has a young family to support. Hence, the judge has stopped Tommy from working, and stopped Tommy from providing for his family. 

A former British police officer has spoken up in Tommy's defence. She says that she has made a formal complaint to the West Yorkshire Police.

I've just been reminded of what Jesus said on the 5th of May, 2018. "NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE". 



    Bear in mind that the arrest took place during Ramadan and the judge works in chambers in Leeds. Caolan has shared that the judge did not make his decision based upon the "suspended sentence", yet the Guardian newspaper wrote that Tommy was given ten months for "Contempt of Court', and three months for being in contempt of the previous suspended sentence.

    Caolan also said that the judge had only watched a few minutes of Tommy's live stream.

    The judge said that "Freedom of Speech has consequences", due to the fact that there was an on-going trial. We can appreciate the importance of the trial and where the justice system is coming from on it. However, the judge could have simply asked the police to remove Tommy from outside the court, and asked him not to film. Instead, the judge was intent on sending Tommy to Prison. I think on the basis that the judge took no action at all to help Tommy to avoid a prison sentence, is definitely grounds for an appeal against the prison sentence. Because if the judge and police really cared about the existing on-going trial, with the muslims, he would've stopped the filming immediately and so would the police.

  2. There is some speculation of the whereabouts of Tommy. Milo wrote and article that says that Tommy is in Onley, it's a category C.
