
Saturday 12 May 2018

Rebecca Ferguson Freedom of Speech

Singer, Rebecca Ferguson from Liverpool has written on Twitter, "You will no longer attempt to bully or silence innocent people, your time has come to an end it stops today! and maybe the press won't print it out of fear, but you can't stop the voice of the people. Your going to treat people better or we will name you!". 

As we know musicians and singers have always been "bullied" in the music industry. However now they go on-line to social media, and attract even more of it to them.

Creative artists are told to go-line to help market their records and albums, and to interact with the general public. However, Rebecca Ferguson is one of the people that is saying, no more of it, enough is enough. Rebecca is expressing her freedom of speech and is expressing her experiences.

Rebecca Ferguson, a young mum of two children, a woman with a unique voice that chose to go onto the X Factor with all that entails, it was a life choice. There was a lot for her to heal prior to her going on stage, and "healing is the path of salvation". 

Unfortunately, many young creative artists are not prepared or trained to respond to the onslaught that often happens to them when their musical career is launched. That is another reason why self-development and self-healing is imperative in education from the earliest age for all children.

Everyone has their boundaries, and it sounds like Rebecca has reached hers. Even Jesus the Jew had his boundaries, and he also drew a line in the sand. People that have found their boundaries, don't "bully" others on-line, or in any other reality, and some people don't know where to draw the line.

Although it is clear that the music industry like other industries is very competitive, and some people will use any means possible to knock out what they view to be their competition. It is the same in business when the American corporations do a "hostile takeover", of a British company.

Do you remember what happened to our historical Cadbury's, a "hostile takeover", and then most of the jobs moved out of England and into Poland.

The fact of the matter is - that in business and music is a business, it can be very "hostile", can you help to change people, only when they are willing to engage with the changes that have to be made for the healing process to happen and there are many different levels of consciousness that can be seen in the way that people choose to communicate.

Remember what Whitney Houston said to yours truly, her testimony of warning from her life experience.  "They rape you, and rape you, until there is nothing left of you". 

With America being one of the biggest music markets in the world, you have to ask yourself Rebecca, is it really worth my sanctity.

In 2004, I made an important decision that my sanctity and peacefulness was more important to yours truly. When Twitter and Facebook became popular, I didn't go there either, I just didn't like the feel of the energy of those American owned platforms and I warned other people about it too.

We know for a fact that America has a huge problem with "bullying", American research proved that over 70% of Americans are "bullied", during their lifetimes in various different realities.

In education, in their families, in their relationships and in the workplace. That's a majority of the American population that has to heal deeply. Can Americans and the English heal together, I did have a dream of Americans coming to England for healing with yours truly. A group of Americans came to look for this healer of souls in my location.

Be victorious Rebecca, be an overcomer, be master of the self, all you have to do is call, for love is standing by whenever you require it. With Chiron in Aries, it is bound to be a powerful time of healing, now and in the years to come.

Love beyond measure, the greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

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