
Saturday 12 May 2018


Liberal media are trying to pull the heartstrings of the people in our country. Today's story is about a Kenyan nurse who says that she has had to send her four children back to Kenya due to the health surcharges being implemented upon people from outside of the EU.

The Independent newspaper would have you believe that the Kenyan nurse is from the Windrush generation, I thought the Windrush generation came from a different direction, of course they did. Windrush was the name of a boat.

The Independent didn't include the date of her work visa, and when her family arrived in the UK.

It is just not economic sense to offer one job to one nurse, and then our country has to pay for six people in exchange. There is something serious going on with that exchange rate, so don't try to pull our heartstrings on this case in point. Also Kenya require their nurses in their own country.

You wouldn't rent one single bedroom out and then fill that room with six people would you. Get the picture of why our country is overcrowded and overpopulated.

There are lots of British youth in the UK that chose to train in nursing, yet the government denied many of our youth that applied. In Cameron's timeline, our youth were told that there were not enough educational places available. Maybe that's because we have too many foreign students in the country, and too many foreign applications. Charity begins at home, feed your own children, before you feed the children of others.

That's what they do in education, get the youth keen on social sciences, and then when it comes to work training, no places. If nursing returned to the way it used to be, with nurses trained on the ward, we would have plenty of our own nurses, trained in England, on the job. That's the best training of all, training on the job, with real hands on experience, and trained nurses agree with my view on that.

As we can see from the comments in response to The Independent article, two out of three British people are not supporting what the Independent are pushing.

It's certainly taking a long time for the British media to really get to grips with the fact that the British people have woken up and our people shall not be silenced anymore.

It has nothing to do with colour or what country the people came from. Cameron decided that anyone that was earning less than £36,000 a year would have to leave our country. Did the MSM, comprehend that!!!

Do not take our tolerance for granted, do not take our love for granted, do not take our freedoms for granted.

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