
Sunday 27 May 2018


Patriot after patriot has been arrested in the UK. Amy in London, (known at Speakers Corner as the "bacon lady"),  Joel in Manchester, and then Tommy.

In this video, Phil chats with John and Joel about what happened in Manchester. People are not allowed to be patriotic in this country, Theresa May and her home office doesn't like British Patriots filming and making a living from sharing the truth.

The British police force and the Conservative government are in contravention of our Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Freedom of Speech, article 19. Listen to John and Joel's story, it's outrageous what the police are involved in. Handing out pink slips, section 35's like candy.

The police are forbidding people to walk in our own cities and on our own streets. The police force were stopping these guys from doing their interviewing, and as such, they were also stopping them from working as reporters. I am following up on this case because I was given the name Joel this evening. Our patriots have become reporters because the MSM and local press are not doing their jobs by reporting on what is really going on in this country.

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