
Monday 28 May 2018

Hashtag "I AM TOMMY'

Melbourne, Australia is marching for Tommy Robinson with the hashtag  "I am Tommy".

Today I read that Spain is also marching for Tommy in Barcelona.

Although today there is a march at Trafalgar Square in London for Josh, Harry and George. Watching to see who starts live streaming at 12.00. Tommy was planning to be on that march with our people in London today to support the parents of the children, Josh, Harry and George. 

Their bereaved parents have been so courageous. Tommy said that he wept for a week after hearing their story. That is how injustice impacts upon people that believe in justice for all. 


Patriots were at Speakers Corner this weekend with an MP from Poland that was also speaking. 

Patriots are taking Speakers Corner back and it is becoming a meeting place for patriots and our activists. 

The Tommy Robinson petition has received a huge response so far, 360.000 people have signed the petition and it is still growing speedily. Let's take it to a million people. 

People are connecting up and organising. People that stand for truth and it's day for freedom.

It is international law that we have the Human Right to Dissent. We also have to repeal section 35. This is a website that tells you more about that as they are monitoring the police force and how people are being treated in our country. 

What the police have been doing is arresting people on one law and than charging them on a different law. Basically, that's what happened to Tommy.  

Just think about how people feel when they have been arrested on a law that is being cited by police officers, and you know that the police are in contravention of the international law of your human rights. Then once you start citing human rights law they move the goalposts. 

Have you ever cited human rights law in court and seen how CPS respond, I have. CPS doesn't like human rights, because they know that they're in breach of it. 

So stay calm, and peaceful, we are on it! 

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