
Thursday 24 May 2018


This is a great link of what to plant in May for new gardeners that are growing a food garden. The link is from Paddocks Allotments.

I'm in my second gardening year, and my garden is a healing garden, I try to plant what has the most nutrients, takes up the smallest amount of space for the most produce. I have a very small garden, so I have to make the most of it with container gardening.

Celery is brilliant for detoxifying the adrenals and that helps the kidneys, it's also great to cook with. Last year's celery has come back again this year, as I didn't eat all of the plants that grew last year, and where I had just taken cuttings from the celery it has grown back again.

Last year I grew so much celery I was able to gift people with it, it was such a joy to share what had been grown.  Celery is incredibly easy to grow, although it requires a lot of water and I noticed that the celery seedlings are now in the garden centre. If you prefer not to grow from seed.

The beetroot is in this month and that is brilliant for blood pressure, I've given the beetroot a bigger space this year as the leaves are actually more nutritious than the beetroot itself. Although I do like beetroot in salads, and cooked.

Trying chard and spinach for the first time this year, and I'm also growing borlotti beans that were gifted. Growing fruit too, with some goji berry plants, and the blueberry bush that went in last year is looking really great in it's second year.

My tomatoes are in, strawberry plants and cucumber have flowered, and a selection of herbs that I like to cook with are all enjoying the summertime. Although some herbs like more sunshine than others. If you are growing coriander it prefers spring and autumn weather, and Rosemary likes to be in full sun of the English weather.


Last night, as it is the end of national vegetarian week, and my hiatus from meat, I had some lamb chops cooked in garlic, rosemary, celery, fresh from the garden. Served with some garlic and buttered mash.


My other vegetables, served with it, some shredded white cabbage, carrot and celery, cooked in caraway seeds. After cooking, mix with some butter, absolutely delicious. I rarely eat lamb so when I do it is a real treat to enjoy.

This evening I shall have some fish with the leftover vegetables and some spinach and peas and make a small lemon and almond cake. As I have to have my nuts on a regular basis.

I've started again with the lemon pips to grow some lemon trees too. They got off to a great start last year, although I think I started them too late in the season. Hence beginning again with the lemons.

From the herbs I make some healing oils towards the end of the season and I still have some healing oils from last year. I cook with the herbal oils, and also massage with them too. In 2017, I gave all of my sage oil to a young man for cognitive help and there is a scientific paper on the power of the sage.

It's great to be able to use our hands on healing skills, in a healing garden with nutritional food. Of course it is good for exercise too, although that wasn't my main focus, although being in fresh air is.

It's great to see things grow, and manifest, and to learn what grows best in your garden.

Mum's Garden. 

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