
Thursday 24 May 2018

British Patriot Amy Arrested

Amy is known as the "Bacon Lady" at Speakers Corner in London, on the 29th of April, 2018, there was a video uploaded of her where she explained that she'd had a hip operation and was in pain due to it. Hence she is walking with a stick.

Amy took film footage of how the police arrested her without a warrant to do so. In this video she shares her side of the story and she is still in her pyjama's as she speaks to the interviewer after being released from jail. She shares that she was arrested for saying, "have a gay day" to a Muslim that was trying to intimidate her.

Muslims at Speakers Corner have tried to intimidate Amy due to her standing against Islamic prayer at Speakers Corner. It is a fact that people are not allowed to congregate to pray in the royal parks, and Hyde Park is a royal park. Hence she was one of the people that was sharing about the park regulations and the Muslims didn't like it.

The woman that interviewed her for this video also said that she was previously arrested for saying the word "immigrant". I've watched previous film of Amy and she is usually respectful and stays on the facts and points that she would like to make at Speakers Corner. Do support Amy, and share this video with as many people as possible.

I hope that Amy contacts Christian Concern legal department to defend her in court. As Christian Concern is a legal charity. It's absolutely outrageous how this was woman was "brutally arrested" and charged. It's more "scare tactics" from the British police force. In the full video of the arrest you can see that Amy has a Trump flag in her flat, a British patriot, that also supports Trump. 

Tommy Robinson news first broke the story. Interesting that as I was coming into waking consciousness this morning, I was being told I had done the right thing, helping others on-line, and bringing forth the light of righteousness, even though there was a man that was opposing me and he looked British. 

The other message that I received after listening to the most recent Amy video was, "MI5". In July 2006, parliamentarian Norman Baker called out the British Government for "hoarding information about people who pose no danger to this country", after it emerged that MI5 holds files on 272,000 individuals-equivalent to one in 160 adults. 

In the interview, Amy also shared that the police force had taken her mobile phone, so it's a good job that the film of the arrest was uploaded prior to the phone being taken from her. 

"In March 2018, the government acknowledged that MI5 agents are allowed to carry out criminal activity in the UK". 

In scripture Jesus warned his followers about the arrests that would come to be. "Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand of what to say. Just say whatever is given to you at the time, for it is not you speaking, it is the Holy Spirit". Mark 13:11

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