
Wednesday 11 April 2018


After writing the previous post about the censorship in social media, the LORD spoke and he said,

"You were the jewel in their crown". 

So let's cross reference, "the LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown". Zechariah 9:16.

Interesting that where I grew up in London the land is owned by the crown. When I wrote the teddy bear poem, I envisoned being in the royal park were I spent much of my childhood contemplating life in the nature of communion.

Peacefully, walking upon the ground, and around the ponds, admiring the beautiful rose gardens.

Breathing in the fragrance of the flowers, and their beautiful colours. I knew in my humble heart that our family had been blessed to live in such an amazing place and I was full of gratitude for anything that I had been given.

I knew what it was like to live in a house and have to be washed in the sink or a tin bath, I knew what it was like to go outside to an outside toilet in the middle of an English winter.

Hence the joy when we moved out of a damp house and into a great maisonette with a bath and a garden.  The time had come for our family to be rehoused. The cause and effect of the great deeds of our mum and dad, the spiritual law in action.

I did not consider being born into a poor family as being a handicap, as dad made sure to teach us that  no one was better than us. I did not consider my skin colour, or the skin colour of anyone else, dad taught us "no prejudice" and that justice was for all.

Dad taught us the power of love, by being a living example of it. When he came home from work, he would bring home my favourite fruit, that showed his daughter that he was thinking of me, and I always appreciated his thoughtfulness and loving kindness. His love expressed for his first born, the power of love that manifested through him, he shone like the sun, and had an all over tan all year round.

How he loved his family, our people, and country. Life and living it. How he poured out his love upon our community. Even when our family was being "persecuted" he still managed to pour out his love. He still managed to beam with smiles, he still kept trustfully loyal to the love that compelled him and his heart. He was so happy when we would visit, my son and I, it filled him with joy and you could see his cup was overflowing.

The actions against us were so huge, we had to have police protection, and my dad bought my mum a dog to protect her, she named the dog Ben. Fortunately, my son and I were not living in London at that time, so we were far away from the danger of living in London.

After dad passed over, he was only 57 years old, it wasn't long before mum and the dog moved out of London, she knew her life was at risk if she stayed in London. Life in London had changed so much, and she wished to leave some of those heartbreaking memories behind.

She moved to a place where she knew that dad was the happiest, she did her best to hold on to her happy family memories and create new ones, she knew that she had to carry on, and not give up. Her confidence soared and she knew that dad was with her in Spirit, that his love never died, she saw his love, and godly ways lived on in us too and that brought her great comfort.

"Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel" Proverbs 20:15

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