
Wednesday 11 April 2018


Another white transit van arrived today, as per the recent dream. Although all of the white transit vans that have arrived have had men driving them rather than the women driving them. Transit is also to do with movement and in the dream women were on the move. As you can see from the dream interpretation, the dream is associated with transportation and planetary configurations that are impacting upon people, the choices and discussions that are being made.

Also planetary wise Mercury is retrograde and that does impact upon communications.

After that I saw that there had been more censorship of British people on-line and the healer seen in the transit van has been on social media. The video that had been removed had been posted on Facebook, so it could indicate that the removal happened due to people on that platform.

Sometimes I click on youtube videos to skip the ads, have you noticed how often the clicking on it, ignores your request.

Censorship is continuing on the American platforms, what you can watch and what you can't is being censored,  the video in question wasn't removed by the creator of it. The video subject matter was on activity at Speakers Corner and it included radical groups that are operating in that location.

It is true that the creator of the content should have had a back up of it, and someone should have taken a copy of it, as it contained crucial evidence that could be shown in a court of law. Our responses, legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

A lot is going on at Speakers Corner, in London, the bastion of free speech in England, that our people have been standing up to defend, one of the concerns of the video creator at Titans TV is explained in this video above.

American Trump supporters Diamond and Silk have also been censored on Facebook, and now British Titans TV has had a very important video removed by youtube. Content is continually being removed from the American platforms. Tommy Robinson was removed from Twitter, British journalist MILO was removed from Twitter with other Conservatives.

Why would anyone continue to provide and create content for social media only to have it removed after the time has been invested to provide it.

A massive amount of research is often involved in providing content that platforms remove with a flick of a switch. Time is money, so how best do you spend your time. Keep on giving content to those that can just remove it, instantly. Are you making American platforms richer, without receiving anything in return. How about donations, do they actually pay for your time investment to keep people updated on the latest information.

In the past, guys in America and England, said to yours truly, "You provide the best information on the planet". Yet, how willing were they to make a financial contribution, if people really appreciate you, then they will make sure that you are funded accordingly. People of integrity will do their best to help. However, some people don't even think about the fact, that you may require any financial help to continue helping them.

The American corporations have been getting richer on the backs of the poor and when the poor are demonetised it can impact psychologically. It can be demoralising for young people that are trying so hard to help our country and it's people.

When people and their content was demonetised, people then moved to another American platform to receive donations from their supporters. Then people in the UK pay a higher % of their donations than Americans do, the excuse given by Patreon is that they have to pay VAT to the British government. Yet, not everything is applicable to that tax in the UK.

The question is are Patreon actually giving the government anything or are they just taking from the donators. I think a freedom of information request is required to investigate that further.

In the meantime, Senator John Kennedy is talking about regulating Facebook, if Facebook don't sort it out to the satisfaction of congress. Kennedy told Zuckerberg that his "user agreement sucks".

I didn't sign up to Twitter or Facebook, I just didn't get a good feeling about the energy of it. Not the first time I've felt "negative energy" relating to an American platform, outlet or individuals. 

I used to feel the same after I gave interviews to an American radio show. America really has a lot to sort out within its own people and the way it allows it corporations to operate. As ordinary people's lives and livelihoods are at stake and America's honour is being dragged through the mire on the world stage. 

Even when you call out one of the moderators on an American owned forum, they delete it, instead of try to resolve the complaint. America thinks it can retain it's reputation by deleting people's complaints, oh no, we know about the reputations, and how Americans even change that to suit themselves. Some Americans, don't like the truth, so they delete truth, so where is the integrity in that? 

America cannot control the narrative, because American's cannot stop us from sharing the truth about it and those involved in the censorship. 

I've said for years that we should have our own platforms in Europe and the UK. Let the Americans have their own platforms, and we can have ours. Don't let the American corporations control you or your lives. One of the reasons why I didn't and don't monetise what I share.


Do you remember the story of Mary Seacole, how much she helped people, then in her retirement the powerful healer was left with nothing, as anything changed since the Victorian era.  Fortunately, it was the military, that came forward to help that heroine nurse and Queen Victoria stepped up and provided her with a pension.

In the days of Bob Marley, you often saw film crews in their film studios in their transit vans. So my advice to Titans TV is build your film studio in a transit van, and don't depend upon your laptop and mobile phone that can be cut off at any point in the development of your business of delivering the news. 

I appreciate that you like live streaming, doing it as it happens, and direct interaction with the community. The censorship in social media, will compel you to move beyond it, and those involved in that particular social media. There are other options to consider, so stay relaxed, take some time out, and the way will open up for you. I would remake the video as a film documentary.

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