
Thursday 12 April 2018


There are times in life when you ask for a reason to carry on, when some difficulties in life are surmountable and some are not. When your country is traumatised by the bloodshed, and people are living in a war zone, if you are emphatic it makes you question everything.

Sensitive and sensible people in our country in the UK are questioning everything, men, women and children. When people are living in civil strife due to the ideology that has been imported, that is when many families trustful loyalty is questioned.

People even question their own faith and themselves. It is often the case when people leave it, as people ask how could God allow this to happen. Isn't that the way the Jewish people felt during WW2. Yet, the answers are written and easy to read. Jesus the Jew warned his people, what would happen if they rejected his healers and many secular people do, so do many believers, believe it or not.

I think that the older that you get the harder it is to accept what successive governments and the EU have done to our country and the lives of our people. The devastation and bloodshed in towns and cities, the invasion of people and it's multiculturalism, the cultural genocide of a once great English nation and it's workforce.

It's come to something when a majority of crimes in your country are committed by foreigners and people whose families came from other countries.  Yet, those that sit in number 10 have to take responsibility for it, as the buck stops there. Borders could be closed and immigration stopped, in any given moment.

The saints pray, give me one reason to carry on, give me one reason to stay on the planet.

This morning when I woke up, I was given this response, "The note, I am with you eternally". 

After this particular blog began, it was shared how I had received a hand written note from Spirit, how I would always remember the script of the man's handwriting that I saw.  Prior to writing this blogpost, I tried to find the original blogpost in the archives to link it to this post. That is what the message received this morning was referring too. The hand written note that I received.

After I sent an email to another healer he said, "You are the face of life". 

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