
Thursday 12 April 2018

URANUS in TAURUS 2018 - 2026

People are talking about the shift of Uranus in May, the first shift for seven years, The planet that rules Aquarius, is moving into the house of home and family on the 15th of May, 2018, until the 26th of April, 2026.  My sun sign is Aquarius, my son is a double Aquarian so he will feel the shift very powerfully too.

The first big shift for seven years makes a lot of sense for yours truly, as I am also in a one year in my life cycle. A one year also indicates new beginnings, and new direction, and I am certainly ready for things to be on the up again in my life.

Taurus the sign of the bull is very grounded, feet firmly on the ground, and with Uranus in Taurus it doesn't hold back, or stand back. With Uranus being in Taurus, things can get smashed, especially relating to people's financial position. We're coming for you Zuckerberg!

Remember the saying, "Bull in a china shop", the bull does like to charge ahead, do be careful and cautious as there is bound to be lots of changes on a financial level planetary wise and it will impact upon home life and families. So read the small print because families are being squeezed more and more.

We already know that there are further budget cuts coming into force this year, budget cuts that have been planned since 2015. So watch, be prepared, it's a time of caution, as there could be some shocks and surprises coming. Of course, sometimes it can be a good surprise like having a win like I did at passover.

It can be positive for the Aquarians as freedom is our key word, and it does indicate new opportunities for the humanitarians, and defending freedom of speech will certainly continue during this transit.

People will be looking for ways to create freedom for their families, at the same time as giving their families a life that is deserving of them and the children.

With Taurus being an earth sign, we can anticipate that environmental factors are also going to be reviewed again, especially, as the UN have a plan to bring in more millions of more immigrants to the west with the excuse of climate change. Neither Aquarius or Taurus like excuses, so it's going to be a tough time for those that offer them.

I don't think it's a good time for platforms like Facebook, and America's silicone valley, no more excuses, as more and more families will clamp down on access to any platform that impacts on the privacy of it's members. The health issues relating to mobile phones will also come more to the fore, especially as NHS England plan on introducing them to the elderly. You don't require a nurse dear, just have an app to keep in touch with us.

No, no, NHS, our country can afford to provide proper care for our elderly, stop the foreign aid, stop spending billions on promoting privatisation of the NHS, and no to ACO's. The NHS is in a humanitarian crisis and that has to change now with vast improvements and cash investment.

We look forward to hearing the results of the judicial reviews that NHS workers and patients have paid for. Oh, yes, we have corporate lawyers now to take on NHS England. That's how Uranus does it, legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

Now look at this, the NHS a study has found that the NHS is spending less than £3 a day on patients food and they wonder why people are suffering from malnutrition. Seriously, would you eat anything shown in the news article. It reminds me of when I visited a hospital restaurant, I certainly wouldn't call it healthy and that is shocking when the same hospitals are advising people on what they should and shouldn't eat.

The Taurus energy is very protective, so people are going to be far more protective of their homes, families, children and of course their health too.  This is our homeland and we are defending it, so I don't think that it's a good time for the EU either.

Taurus tends to be a steady sign, they like to take things steady, they don't like sudden change, or moving quickly into anything, they like to think everything through, make plans, prior to making their move in the direction that they plan to go. Taurus likes financial stability and security, and forward planning. Hence, families will be thinking about the next seven years and how they plan to live in these times. For some that can and will mean a move of home or location.

Others might find themselves heavily into maintenance and DIY, Aquarius likes an easy life, and they don't like spending all their time and effort on the home, so I anticipate that this transit will really be about how I can make my life easier, what can be done to the home, to create less work on it. So for instance, having a kitchen wall tiled, so that it doesn't have to be painted every year.

Spending more now to save more in the long run. It will definitely impact upon house building, and Aquarius, being for freedom, estate agents be prepared, people will say, I'm not moving into that, that's far too small. I'm not moving into that, that requires too much work to make it economical to run.

People will look to make savings where they can in the family budget, and try to invest what money they have in the home and family. Remember this that people that live in the UK, live in the smallest properties in Europe and our country is overpopulated. Some families will definitely be leaving our shores and children's education is going to be a major issue.

Instead of a granny putting her money on the stock market, she will be more likely to invest in her children and grandchildren and that which provides the families with freedom.  The future generations, as the future is the only real place where you can meet an Aquarian, Aquarians are usually light years ahead of everyone else.

I see a coming together of families supporting each other a lot more, helping each other, with each other's homes and families. Recreating community with the extended family. Regeneration rather than replacement. Regenerating communities on our homeland. Bringing back the community Spirit and I am already seeing positive signs of this happening.

Aquarius and Taurus can be a powerful force when they work together, Taurus likes to charge in, and charge up, while Aquarius pours out her water of life experience to make everything sparkle and hearts glisten.

So depending on the aspects in your birth chart, and whether you are with someone or would like to meet someone, it could be a good time for relationships, as people are nesting and creating togetherness. It's a time to share and be together.

Taurus likes the dynamics, charisma and attractiveness of the water bearer, the face of life, in this Aquarian Age. So there is bound to be some extraordinary times in the next seven years.

It's definitely one of those phases of extraordinary people do extraordinary things and what happens in the next seven years will amaze a lot of people. With Uranus and it's freedom, and freedom being connected to the spiritual law, integrity and dignity of the family and the homeland is going to be crucial to stop the cultural genocide, especially in England, my homeland.

On another level food has already been coming to the fore with the fishermen burning a fishing boat in our waters, I don't think that foreign fishermen will be happy to see their boats on fire if they come into our waters. These are our waters not yours. So in some cases and situations there will be drastic and speedy actions, Aquarians don't sweat the small stuff, Uranus is the big picture and has the panoramic and long term view in their hearts.

A lot more scientific information to do with food, work that has been in progress, a lot of innovative changes coming to do with food, and I think a lot more people will demand the space to grow their own food too. Interesting that today I received a leaflet from a local farm, willing to deliver eggs, potatoes, milk and bread. Supporting our local farms is also important to help our farms keep on going.

Naturally, Aquarians view friends has family, so family can contain your friends and their families, that you love. It can be your spiritual family if you have become close to your spiritual family and friends. Uranus likes charity and to entertain, and Aquarians like to entertain at home, e.g. dinner parties, B.B.Q's, picnics, garden parties etc.

So I don't think that it is particularly good transit for the leisure industry, expensive restaurants, and any organisation that concentrates on leisure, unless it includes and provides for the whole family.

Anything relating to home or family is going to be major and holidays in nature with the children.

So people that have already invested in eco-tourism should see an increase in business during this transit. As people will evacuate more and more from the big cities so that they can nurture their children in nature and the natural environment. So a good time for camping and caravanning, taking the children away from technology and it's influences.

Holidays will be seen to be a crucial aspect of health and being healthy, and people being able to have that facility, to help both themselves and their families.

It's a time when the elders will be much more appreciated, for everything that they have done to help the younger generations to defend their freedoms. It's a great energy for the young in heart, and strong in Spirit.

Love is certainly standing by and the quality of your relationships with family and friends, whether old or new, will be an important factor in this timeline. So be ready to soar in this transit, the energy is very powerful in the house of family.

If the community ask for some guidance from a spiritual text for this timeline, let it be said from scripture, that God has placed in the community first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance and of different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles, are all prophets, are all teachers, do all work miracles? 1 Corinthians 12:29

How many healers do you have, did one become a thousand in your radiant hands. Did you ensure that healing was brought into the home, did your children see you giving healing to others, did you give healing to your children, friends and family when required. Did your children become healers after they saw you healing. Did you teach young people how to become healers and miracle workers.

This is the timeline when you will see who really put the effort in. As far as the news about Jeremy Hunt, he should be locked up, give him ten years for the hunter of the poor and disabled. The man that has hunted down the people, and pushed forward with privatising the NHS. Lock him up.

The British justice was meant to defend the family, the children of the poor, get on it.

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