
Tuesday 17 April 2018


MP David Lammy on Theresa May and Amber Rudd on the Windrush Generation.

Theresa May, and Amber Rudd don't care about people, if they cared about people they wouldn't have introduced the "Bedroom Tax", if they cared about people, they would not have removed the pensions from women born in the 1950's.

All poor people are suffering in the UK, and when parents suffer, then their children suffer, a proven fact. It has been likened to Victorian times, remember that it was Queen Victoria that gave a pension to Mary Seacole, the wonderful healer that grew up in her mother's Jamaican healing hotel, a mixed coloured woman that came to live in England. People were coming from the Caribbean prior to the Windrush generation and the story of Mary Seacole is evidence of that fact.


As far as not having the appropriate paperwork, why didn't community leaders make sure that was organised decades ago. Surely, a trained barrister like David Lammy,  must have known that they required the paperwork.

Surely, their N.I. numbers are evidence that they have worked in the UK for decades. Why isn't their N.I. registration cards enough, to prove how long they have lived in the UK, why isn't the birth certificates, and marriage certificates enough for the home office.

Do the home office know anything about it's population. I do agree with David, that the Windrush generation gave so much to this country that they call their own, they love the country that offered opportunities and a future for them and their children.

The great SAM KING was one of the "Windrush Generation". He became the Mayor of Southwark and founded the Notting Hill Carnival. Sam passed over in 2016, bless him.

Can you believe it that the home office destroyed the landing cards of the windrush generation in 2010. There is nothing coincidental about that is there. It reminds me of when my lawyer told me that my medical records had been destroyed in London, when my lawyer decided to sue the American corporation on behalf of women that had been harmed by it. 

Having heard some of the reports about this case, what was also highlighted was the fact that when Theresa May was the minister for the Home Office, it was Theresa May that introduced what she called the "Hostile Environment Policy". Then when we refer to the texts we find a verse in the book of Romans 8:7. As we know, Theresa May has also been "hostile" against Syria, at the same time as saying nothing about Yemen. I absolutely knew that Theresa Sharia May should not have been made PM. It requires integrity to lead a country. 


  1. I've just seen this story of Dexter Bristol that spent the last year of his life trying to prove his immigration status - despite moving to the UK in 1968. Amber Rudd is now under pressure to resign. It makes you wonder how many more people have suffered the injustice of this, when it was Labour that decided to get rid of their records in 2009, and it was the Conservatives in 2010, that actually did it. It's appalling how these people have been treated, denied healthcare, dental treatment, had their jobs taken from them and they can't even get any financial help from the country that they've paid their taxes in. It makes you wonder why haven't the community been kicking up a fuss about this until now. Piers Morgan is furious about it, and so are many other people in our country. Jeremy Corbyn referred to Theresa May and her "Hostile Environment Policy" as "Callous", this time I agree with him.

  2. Whistleblowers from immigration share how things changed.

  3. Do grow up Elizabeth, communication is an art for you to learn from the English with it's English language. You can keep the "American race card", I have ace cards in my right hand. There is one that I agree with MLK and that is the content of a person's character. And Elizabeth what you write shows me your character and the level of consciousness that you are coming from. I must admit I do like my olive skin Elizabeth and the softness of my voice. I am so glad that you are pleased that I support the Windrush Generation of British people from the West Indies. Of course they would have my support, their children are my generation and their grandchildren are my son's generation. Elizabeth, didn't you say that you were going back to Nigeria from whence you came. I'm sure that they will welcome you home, Nigeria is begging for Nigerians to go home. Bye bye.
