
Wednesday 18 April 2018

EILEEN Message

I received a message this morning when I woke up that EILEEN is going to take action and that the actions would be positive in my regard. In England, the name EILEEN is considered to be an Irish name, although it is viewed as originating from the name Helene and the names certainly sound similar.  It is known to be a Celtic name and it is written that it means light from Helen.

My dad's closest sister also had the name Eileen, and I remember visiting her in hospital prior to her passing over. Hence, we certainly have a mixed heritage, that was often passed on in the names that our ancestors gave to their children so that the families would know their heritage. So for instance my birth name can be found in the biblical texts, both the OT and NT.


That video is interesting in the dungarees as I had a dream recently of buying an all-in-one and I had a choice of blue or white and I chose white with high collars.

Today as been a day of ridding the kitchen of ants, so I began to clean the cupboards, and the work surfaces again. I've tried vinegar, this time I've put cinnamon in the cupboards where food is kept and I've also put cinnamon on the work surfaces. I've left out some sugar in bicarbonate soda to catch the ant's too. 

As we know, the ants come for the food, so I have to stop them getting to the food and block up the holes where they might be managing to get inside the home, as usually the ants nest is outside the home. 

Irish descendants, EILEEN Og, a great song, sung by the Irish.

What's for lunch today, a mixture. I'm having fish chowder, taramasalata and an onion bhagi.

For breakfast, I had an English breakfast with baked beans, an egg, mushrooms and tomato.


  1. I've just seen this story of Dexter Bristol that spent the last year of his life trying to prove his immigration status - despite moving to the UK in 1968. Amber Rudd is now under pressure to resign. It makes you wonder how many more people have suffered the injustice of this, when it was Labour that decided to get rid of their records in 2009, and it was the Conservatives in 2010, that actually did it. It's appalling how these people have been treated, denied healthcare, dental treatment, had their jobs taken from them and they can't even get any financial help from the country that they've paid their taxes in. It makes you wonder why haven't the community been kicking up a fuss about this until now. Piers Morgan is furious about it, and so are many other people in our country. Jeremy Corbyn referred to Theresa May and her "Hostile Environment Policy" as "Callous", this time I agree with him.

  2. The Irish in Kilkenny are campaigning to stop the building of a mosque and community centre for Muslims. Organisers of the meeting were surprised at what was expressed. People have had enough of coming second to immigrants in their own countries.
