
Sunday 1 April 2018


This morning I had another dream, I was in a car parked in a garage, and I saw a large transit Van and in it I saw that a colleague, a healer friend was in the driving seat and it looked like there was another woman in the van with her. Both women had long hair.

The garage in my location was the type of garage that sells cars and does MOT's, as soon as I saw her I thought "What is she doing here". Because she lives a long way, away. Interesting that this van is called the "Master Van".

Then in the next part of the dream she and I were having a conversation about why she was in my location, she came over to speak with yours truly, to explain what was happening. Then I woke up.

I view transit vans as vehicles that move people and their belongings, a vehicle in transit can also be a hired vehicle for a specific purpose.  Of course sometimes transit vans are used for businesses too. The large van that she was driving was white and I could see through the back window screen.

In dream interpretation "to dream of a van varies according to the action, but as a general rule a van featured in your dream is a harbinger of good news. If the van was carrying household goods; it indicates a change for the better. If your dream involved riding in it, you are likely to have a sudden opportunity to make a sizeable profit". 

In dream interpretation to dream of a "public garage also signifies an upturn in your general affairs."  

There was two women in the dream plus myself and that can also indicate an increase in prosperity. The numeric of three is to do with wisdom and it's the second dream this Passover.

It's many years ago now, although I remember the LORD telling me that all of the healers that had worked with me would prosper.

I think it would be a good idea for her to look at her transits in her birth chart, as the white van does indicate movement. Her life is on the move, and by the size of the vehicle it is a big move.


Checking in with Robert Wilkinson, Saturn is in Capricorn for the first time since 1991, Saturn will be a major force to be reckoned with in 2018, and Robert says that it is doing an interesting dance with Uranus throughout the year, with yours truly being an Aquarian we can anticipate some major happenings.

Saturn is also the planet of the teacher, so I am not surprised that I keep on having dreams that relate to another teacher of complimentary medicine therapies. We've known each since the 90's, and the journey shared was definitely meant to be.


  1. A white transit was outside my door today. Big smiles.

  2. 5th of April, "Day of Consequence".
