
Saturday 31 March 2018


While having a lay down today, I had a dream of mum's cut glass tumblers. There was only one of those cut glass tumblers left when she passed over, and it was the glass tumbler that she drank from, so I kept that tall glass tumbler in memory of her. Although in the dream they were numerous.

Originally she would have had at least eight of them as our dining table at home could seat eight, mum created a beautiful table for the family, and meal times that we shared were always important to her.

The cut glass tumbler has six pointed and eight pointed stars on them.

I had been looking for the last week for that tumbler, anyway, after I experienced the dream, I looked for it again, and it was behind the computer on the right side with some leaflets for 999 call for the NHS.

In dream interpretation to dream of a clean glass signifies general good luck. If your dream featured decorative glass it predicts a rise in status and or an increase in income.

After that I checked the lottery numbers, and I'd won £25 on Saturday evening, and I only bought one Saturday ticket, how amazing is that to win during Passover. Big smiles, a Passover Win! Cheers. The 31st of March, is the "Day of Tenacity". 

Does it come even more crystal clear than that! In the book of Revelation the glass is before the throne.

This website asked for the blessing of abundance for Passover and shares a story about it.

On the website it mentions Elijah, and the man that writes that blog also wrote about the "Wheat Money", "the Wheat Fund", otherwise known as "kimcha d'pischa" = "Wheat Flour". The Jewish man wrote that post on the anniversary of my mum's birthday, the 14th of March.

On arrival to buy the food for passover, there was also a rainbow over the location, that is the first time I've seen a rainbow for a very long time, it is always a very positive sign when I am blessed to see a rainbow.

What is also interesting is that this is the first Passover that I have cooked with Matzo meal, I put some in my meat balls with sesame seeds, onions, garlic, thyme and sage. They were delicious with a honey and soya sauce.

On waking up from my dream I was also shown some soup that I have to cook.



  2. Yesterday the matzo meal was reduced to 10 pence, so I bought two more. I am going to make some more of those lovely meatballs. I also put some in my fish chowder last night.
