
Saturday 21 April 2018


This made me smile today, our people are taking back Speakers Corner and Hyde Park. It fits with Chiron in Aries planetary configuration, as the last time we had this configuration was in 1968 and it is in for the next nine years. A heatwave in the UK, certainly brings the people out into the parks.

In this video it features some of the stall holders at the event and at the end of the video one of the stallholders shares about their humanitarian and charitable works with the youth, in the UK, and abroad. One of the guys says that he donated a family house in Nigeria to be used as an orphanage, and they are helping to support that orphanage financially. 

As far as the smoking is concerned, as we know, cannabis is a medicinal herb, and it was never meant for recreational purposes. I myself don't require it, although I know some with specific health issues have found it to be beneficial. My view is that it should be legalised. It has been legal in Holland for as long as I can remember, I remember the days when Londoner's went to Holland so that they could smoke freely. 

As far as people smoking cannabis around their children, that is a matter for their own conscience. As the brains of children have not fully developed until the age of 25 years old. If you really care about your children and their brains, then a person ensures that their environment is as pure as possible for their growth and development. 

One of the issues for the community in which people live, is the immensity of the smell of it, and how far it reaches and seeps. So although limiting it, is limiting the smokers freedom, legalising it, also limits the freedom of others that don't wish to smell it. Hence there has to be a balance to please everyone.  

There is no reason why people couldn't live in a smoking community, then that could satisfy everyone. People could also live in communities where they could grow their own. 

Hemp is grown in the UK, oil is made from it for cooking, and in Norfolk, even cars have been made with hemp. There is fabric made from Hemp too. Hence there is a whole industry that can incorporate it. 

In the 60's some of the communes came about due to people coming together to live together in community, with the freedom to live as they chose to live, growing their own food on their own farms. People clubbed together and bought land together, to grow their own food and live more spiritually together. 

Some of those communes still exist with the largest community of over 600 people living at Findhorn in Scotland. I saw a fabulous farm on-line in Belize a few years ago, for £68,000 you could buy an established fruit farm with over 100 acres of land, with a very large farmhouse. It is possible to do, if people work together. 

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