
Monday 23 April 2018


The monarchy have been silent about all of the cases of children being "raped and killed" in England, none of them have visited any of the areas where it has been happening for 40 years.

The monarchy didn't go to Telford, Rotherham, or any of the other locations where people are dying did they, and you know what Jesus said don't you, "Silence is Compliance".

What is happening to the youth in this country is heartbreaking, what is happening to our country is heartbreaking, our country is being devastated due to mass immigration.  Yet, all the MSM write about is the forthcoming wedding, and the next baby on-line.

People that have a heart of conscience in this country, cannot be silent, people of integrity cannot be silent, people with a moral compass cannot be silent, about the youth dying everyday on English soil.

At least another three youth have died over the weekend due to "stabbings", in London, and the news of Viktorija Sokolova a 14 year girl from Lithuania, "raped and killed" in Wolverhampton.

This matter is very close to my heart, as it nearly happened to yours truly when I was a teenager in the 60's. My parents shared with me five years later that the young man in question"raped and killed" his mother and her sister.

In recent days, Putin did put out a warning, and called Russian youth to come home to Russia, as he was concerned about reprisals.

While the monarchy stay silent about this epidemic, I have no respect for any of them.

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