
Monday 5 March 2018

Victory for Italy

Great news from Italy, the headline is "Victory for Eurosceptic populist parties shock the establishment in Italy election". It looks like Five Star gained a tremendous turn out bringing forth major changes for Italy. It is reported that they won 31% of the vote, although more will be revealed during Monday. So congratulations to the Italians for their patience to vote and get their point across.

"Italian election body blow for Brussels" Mark Almond 

They're shaking in their boots now Italy.

"Wisdom preserves those who have it"

"The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just"  Psalm 37:30 

The meditation of my heart was hand delivered to the Italians in 2003 when the planets created the Star of David, we gathered in Florence as divinely guided to do so. Italy was blessed in Italian, Hebrew and English. "The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!". And let the one who hears say, "Come!". Let the one who is thirsty come, and the let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life". Rev 22:17 "My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the meditation of my heart will give you understanding" Psalm 49:3

Legally, scientifically, and peacefully Italy.

While I was in Italy, in 2004, I asked a group of elderly Italian men in Abruzzo, if they would like this mystical healer to move to Italy and live in their location, they all smiled, and said, YES!.

I like to be invited as well as being sent, when the Italians were praying for help, their prayers were heard divinely. Italy always in our hearts.

The Italians do like quality, lovely shoes, sandals, clothes, cars, wine and most of all quality food. If I have a choice between Italian or French, my choice is Italian. My truth is based upon experience of witnessing women in Italy and women in France. The Florentine dress sense outshone the Parisians, the Florentines were immaculate, the Italians definitely have class!

Most of their farmers live in the heart of integrity, as such, Italy is the most ecological country in Europe in it's farming. If you'd like an organic holiday, in Europe choose Italy, and an agritourismo.

Food fresh from their farm, lovingly cooked for you. Italians poured love into their farms, and what they cook, they love to cook and provide homegrown produce. Quality guaranteed!

If they decide to take you out for a proper Italian meal, it can go on for hours, from noon to sunset, and many courses, leisurely eating while you talk and talk between courses. Excellent nutrients and the food that they eat is renowned throughout the continent. We've been there, we've been looked after by the Italians in Italy.

Made in Italy - Guaranteed Quality

In my youth, I used to travel to Italy to buy clothes and footwear, and so did my parents. In those days we went on holiday to Italy for shopping trips as prior to the EURO, we could afford to do so.

My young son loved the food and beaches in Italy, I have lovely photographs of us together. He was adorable in those days, he loved his mussels, lasagna and carbonara and still loves his Italian pizza's.

Italian food was definitely his favourite when he was a child maybe because I used to take him to an Italian restaurant on Sundays in England from a baby. While he was sitting in his highchair, I was teaching him how to behave when we went out to eat. I was teaching him to have good manners in public spaces.

It worked, because people alway said to his mum, "he is so polite, he is so well mannered". My parents took him to eat out too, at home and abroad in different countries and cultures.  Teach the children young, and they will always remember it. That's equality for you, taking the children out with you, that's mutual respect.

Italy is one of the countries that I could take my young son, as it was so clean and safe for children, and the Italians adore and exalt children. I remember when we were leaving the plane, on our return from Italy, he was about four years old, and he said, "Where are we going next mum", I replied, "Give yourself a chance, we haven't got off the plane and got home yet!".

Joyful memories, and happy days in Italy, big hearts. When I was in Umbria I saw a huge pink heart above the land, the heart of Italy and I managed to photograph it, I found the disk last week, with the photograph of the energy on it. It's beautiful. I will try to upload it on the blog later in the week.

1 comment:

  1. Angelo and Sharon Stone together on the beach.
